8/8N 4/8H Mediocrity - Frostmourne 2 Night AOTC Guild

Mediocrity is a casual group of players who are tightly knit in game and in real life, we have played together since Cataclysm and are back for TWW to progress through Heroic.

Specifically recruiting Shadow Priest, DPS Warrior and a Mage but any class is considered.

Raid times are:
Thursday: 7:00PM-10PM ST
Sunday: 7:00PM-10PM ST

Voice chat program: Discord

If interested add Junc#11442 on Bnet

Updating for 4/9 H !

Still looking for any type of healer for AOTC prog

Got room for a Resto shaman? also have a Hpal but can play any healer.
Have DF heroic logs also.


Found a healer, have a couple more spots for DPS with preference on SPriest, Warrior and Mage