8.3 most broken patch ever?

Yes love him, rub him at night when you feel lost!

I’ll just use my body pillow with your cute face on it to snuggle when I’m lonely.

And of course you’ve reported all of these supposed bugs right?

To answer the question in the title, no not even close.

Must have missed this one, was it Bellular’s 5 or 6th video yesterday? He’s a game dev you know

A big problem, which he describes, is that bugs that are fixed on the ptr end up going live anyway. The ptr code they fix them in is not the one that is going to be implemented. And apparently there is no system to be sure that they get fixed in the implementation code.

This showed up in Legion, too. Boats and zeppelins that were not working on the ptr ended up being implemented broken. It took them a month to fix that, and the next few patches broke it again.

It’s a QA problem that should be straightforward to fix.

Cata baby signing in, and 8.3 was probably the second to worst I’ve had it.

6.0 was a dumpster fire.

The issue with PTR and Live is the amount of people online. As much as you try, PTR is always a very small sample, with almost everyone there doing some very specific things.

Then you go live where is it 100% random activity across all realms. It’s the nature of the beast really.

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If we assume that Blizzard is still interested in putting out a quality product, and there may be thing that slip through the cracks, but that aren’t jeopardizing anything serious; is making threads like this to get attention really worth the time?

To be completely fair here… he addresses this in the video. I’d say his point is a bit of a stretch and relies on an assumption, but… I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s fake news.

He’s relying on datamined items indicating their introduction in 8.3.5, which he infers as shaky proof that at some point 8.3.5 was thought about by the devs. To be fair to him, he does state that the evidence is flimsy. At most you could accuse him of click baiting.

Can reply more objectively to this now. Something Bellular didn’t cover is that the AH is most definitely broken with sales not turning up for people (including me):

At this point, everyone should be delisting auctions unless they never want to see their gold or goods again since it might be awhile before it’s fixed.

You know that elon musk meme where hes like “is that true?”

Patch 3.0.8 was worse then this…

It had …Wintercrash…

Every time a faction won Wintergrasp, the entire continent of Northrend crashed.

And dear god the lag in Naxxramas

And the missing mail from the mail box was awesome…then hunters had to deal with
A bug randomly switched autocast abilities to manual abilities and manual abilities to autocast on pets
Oh that was so fun…

Then DK howling blast was going to be no cool down…but turn into a 5sec one…so no this was not the worst patch…

The Quest [Scouting Report: Hostile Natives] in Pandaria is broke, you’re supposed to control Riko but it just teleports your character there. So frustrating because I love this zone sigh guess I’m skipping 90% of that zone.

I typically don’t “follow” any WoW youtubers, but his videos often pop up in my feed. I think he’s pretty fair most of the time, sometimes a bit off mark.

I was unaware that he didn’t play actively though.

I remember… when the White War Talbuk from OG Nagrand/Haala lost it’s unique horn color one patch and people flipped their wigs about it. They thought it was an intentional, and undocumented, change.

Nope, turns out it was just a bug caused by something completely unrelated in another part of the game.

WoW code is so much spaghetti that you should always expect bugs and breaks with every patch. Hell, I’m betting that the chest even in Karazahn broke again with this patch, it always seems to.

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No one remembers paladins for that glorious 17 hours after the WotLK pre patch? Once, we were kings.

i would love to say something about the patch being broken or not broken

but the massive lag and fps drop since the last patch made me unable to even play the game


If he has to make assumptions, then yes, it’s misinformation. It’s at its core a factual statement, and he has no basis for this fact.

No, I can accuse him of spreading misinformation just fine. I don’t see why he deserves any kind of defense. He’s been on a downhill spiral of “Watch me!” for quite a few months, and he wasn’t really up there to begin with.

Not really. He explained his assumption, explained that it was an assumption, put the disclaimer that he’s talking about it from that point of view, and pointed out that it’s fair to look at it from other points of view. You can’t really maintain intellectual integrity better than that. What would be dishonest is if he didn’t do any of that and just acted like 8.3.5 was set in stone… Which he didn’t…

You can accuse him of literally anything you want. That doesn’t mean you’re right. From my point of view, he made the title and graphic click baity… nothing more.

When B. C. started bears were beast could take down an elite at lvl60 with most of there health left fun times short lived tho.