8.3 Freezing (Windows OS Thread)

Can confirm the suggested solutions do not fix the problem.


I am having the same issues. Game crashes, no warnings, no errors, I have tried all fixes recommended to no avail, and this has started today Jan 17. 2020 after the client updated. A uninstall and removal of all registry keys has also been done with a clean install. The issue is 100% not on my side, as I run other games more demanding that WoW with no issues at all


Blizzard should thank their community for doing their technical support for them
 for free, no less.
“Set to DX11 legacy here and all Nvidia display driver crashing stopped” this corrected my issue. whomever discovered solution should get a recruit a friend reward or some sort reward for saving a customer. i was set to drop this subscription


I thought mine was fixed but its not. Still happens, after a full ui reset and repairing the game as a GM told me after I opened a ticket.


May I ask people to specify if they’re having a memory issue or a GPU issue? It appears we may have two different (but similar) issues being reported in this thread.

There seems to be a problem with nivida drivers, there are numerous complaints on their forum with several games with this exact same problem. What I do not see are these same complaints on the AMD forums.

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It’s not the drivers, I have played every other game I do normally weekly and have no encountered a single hard crash or reboot outside of WoW. I have completely uninstalled all drivers and reinstalled them, I have even uninstalled WoW and loaded the game up without addons and it will still crash shortly after loading the game in Direct X 11, if I switch to 11 Legacy it happens maybe an hour or so into the play session.


tried, WM off and on, my drivers have been uninstalled and reinstalled, and tested DX 11 legacy, testing low settings, and without mods.
on multiple characters, in different zones (org, vale and zuldazar).
I get huge ram spikes, at freezing and no error when it does crash (1st crash gave me 141)
I would love to have a fix for this as I’m missing out on a game I kinda like playing but cant


I have been having issues with short screen freezes as well since 8.3. I’ve noticed it happens more frequently (but not exclusively) in the following situations:

  • when I’ve just recently loaded into a new zone
  • right after using the Blink spell (playing a mage, of course)
  • when I get on a flying mount and go up into the sky
  • during Horrific Visions and Lesser Visions (not just after loading in, but the whole time)

If I double up on any of the above conditions (i.e. blinking after loading into a new zone) I’m basically guaranteed to cause a freeze.

I’ve also had the entire game crash a few times, usually with the error “World of Warcraft was unable to start up 3D acceleration.”


Oh good! I just bought a new 2 TB SSD and cloned my old harddrive. I was then getting crashes and thought I broke something lol. I even went through the long hassle of reinstalling windows and all my programs

My wow been freezing as well. I also notice all my system graphic changed from good and fair to high. I changed it back but it didn’t stop the freezing, but my computer seem to be able to recover a little faster from freezing. Where as before I had to sometime shut my computer or wow down.

I’m having same problem , Freez, lagg, disconected

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Yes. The game is messing with my pc. There is an issue of the fps fluactating drastically and when I exit out of game, my pc responds slowly for a few seconds after then I am able to do other stuff.

It is the game, not my pc, not my router/modem and not my provider. Because if it was any of that, I would still be having problems.

This has been happening since the update Tuesday


You’d think with this many people suffering a related issue there’d be more urgency. No blue post on this since yesterday.


they fired 800 emps last year, thats why no response.

I have an Nvidia geforce gt 545, I am having the same problems as well. Moving the camera fast, or loading into a zone and the game freezes for 3 seconds or so. Can’t really do dungeons like this as freezing at the wrong time is really bad. Like running through Mechagon. Was not like this before the patch.

Seems the same here
Mouse seems to stutter, game freezes up for 5+ seconds when I open the map, or Wrathion or Magni pop up an animated dialogue window, going to slightly mouse-look spins the camera wildly
all my drivers are up to date, have been playing all expac with no trouble until 8.3.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB vid card, most graphics settings turned up pretty high.


Here is your response for today: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/83-memory-leaks/119266/39

I am having the same issue. There is a memory leak for sure. When i turn in a quest or open my character screen with their gear it happens. This patch is a mess.

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Thank you, Palm. That’s reassuring at least. Also love your name as a Monk main.