8.3 feels like a punishment for the Alliance

Worgen Heritage armour is so bad i’d rather make a Classic armour set transmog over using that shameful display of pixels.

Wasn’t it also said by a CM that the requirements to unlock Mechagnomes also needed to be done on an Alliance toon. Ugh, too many threads to find that one post.

The Worgen Heritage Armor suits nothing of the Worgen or let alone, Gilneas.

Yep doesn’t scream to me Werewolf or Old timey london it just makes me scream normally.
Blizzard should be ashamed considering some of the Heritage armour up to this point has been really good.

The design is right, but it is actually the colours. They are a huge disappointment and suit nothing to what Worgens were or where they are from. We might of well take out the Red and Green from Christmas.

The design isn’t right it’s basic very very basic just take a look at Genns outfit both in WoW and HoTs i expected a Long over coat with a more darker tone over this bright pee coloured armour.

It’s actually disgusting how poorly it was looked at or the fact they ignored all feedback yes alot of feedback was quite harsh but you cannot improve without taking every bit of it into account.

Plus you’re a Blood Elf your heritage armour is actually suited towards Blood elf colour scheme and general feels of Blood elves with the warm colours and such.

With the amount of Alliance salt on the forums right now, I’m surprised the forums haven’t shriveled up like a slug.

I don’t see it as a punishment. Sure we get yet another uninspired allied race that might unseat the KT as the least played race in the game but still that’s not all 8.3 is. I am still looking forward to the new content and trying out the corrupted gear system. Plus it will be interesting to see parts of MoP and the core world again being used as current day content.

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Fixed that up properly.

Oh, seeing the Vale returned to its former glory, my favourite zone will be peaceful once again :heart:


As long as this exists, Alliance will always have the advantage unlocking Allied Races.
No other racial speeds up anything by 10%

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Outside of the Vulpera, the Alliance got way better allied races than the Horde did. You got better racials and better character models.

The Dark Iron Dwarves are legitimately the best-looking allied race, and I say that as a diehard Zandalari troll fan. Your customization options for each one soars far above anything for the Horde.

I genuinely don’t understand why people say the Alliance got screwed over with allied races. The allied races for Alliance make me want to switch factions.

Gimme my horde bee!

None of you alliance filth was screaming bias then.

You are a level 55 DK with no achievements. Allied races are the least of your concerns.

Or are you just trolling on an alt?

this is why alliance always lose BG’s, to busy whining and thinking your hard done by.

maybe try hitting someone in a BG will that giant wall of text, might help you hold the flag for a few seconds before a fox half your size steals it off you

He’s right though

drive by lol

They could be literal love machines

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My only problem with the mechagnomes is that they have no unique class assigned to them that the normal gnomes can’t be. That really sucks. They could have given us either paladin, druid or shaman, just to spice things up but no.

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Age old rig argument. Tell me something what does the kul’tiran rig look like oh wait you don’t know cause who cares about the rig you don’t see it. Keep this argument up all cause it’s all you have to go with. The rig will get reused on another race at some point. That’s what they do if they make a new one its not going to be for just one race only it will get used again in the game so it wasn’t designed only for one race. Its a new rig that’s all its not just for alliance. Hey everybody if you played an gnome in vanilla you got a unique rig.