8.3 Daily Quests Deserve an Apology

To pre-face, I’m not generally one to come onto the forums and make these kinds of threads, or complaints. I can’t help though but feel that 8.3’s quests are not even close to Blizzard’s usual standards, and it leads to the feeling that either they were rushed at the last second, at the absolute best, or were designed by someone who has never even played an MMO before, let alone designed one at worst.

First: Several respawn rates on items and mobs needed to complete several dailies are flat out too low. I’ve included this as the first on the list as it’s actually the least egregious thing about these new daily quests, and the easiest to fix, even if it is extremely disappointing that even after 15 years, we still have this problem every patch.

Second: Not so much related to the “Kill X amount of ‘enemy Y’” dailies, however, for lootable dailies, the fact that the items are shared with the actual interactable items that give credit towards the assault just comes off as a design decision made by someone without much experience in the field of actually playing World of Warcraft, and I like to think that the developers do actually play the game, but decisions like this do make that hard to believe. Not only does this mean that I’m fighting people on the same quest as me for item spawns, but I’m also fighting everyone even doing the invasion itself, which is going to lead me right into my third point…

Third: After (5?) years of multi-tap, personal-spawning lootables for quests, Blizzard suddenly, and without any notification to the community decided to undo one of the few good things that came along with Warlords of Draenor and make it so that players once more need to fight each other over spawns. I simply cannot fathom why any of Blizzard’s experienced quest designers would make this decision. Surely there’s still a few left that have played the game prior to this being added.

All of these things in summary just really distract, and tarnish anything good that might end up coming out of 8.3. These are not just examples of “bad” dailies, nor are they simply an expression of players hating “the grind”. No, these dailies to me are antithetical to everything Blizzard stands for. Blizzard claims to know that players will always take the path of least resistance, in fact, it was one of the major factors in removing/locking away Flying every expansion since Warlords of Draenor. Yet the most efficient way to do the looting dailies is to wait for other players to engage the mobs, run in and loot the items, and ignore the scathing whispers you get in return. (Yes, in full disclosure, I have done this, and have had it done to me. I’m not perfect, I’m human)

To me, these dailies do not seem like they were designed with “Play Nice, Play Fair” in mind. To me, that’s the absolute worst thing about these. They must be re-designed, and they were certainly not ready for launch.

Again, I apologize, and this was not made to attack anyone at Blizzard directly, I’m not generally the kind of person to get upset at things like this, but the 8.3 dailies are so backwards in terms of design that it actually makes me angry to think that this is the direction Blizzard might be taking the game, and I sincerely hope that the whole 8.3 daily thing was just the blunder of a new, inexperienced branch of the team. Anyway, I hope everyone feels free to share their experiences with the 8.3 dailies below, hopefully there’s still enough CMs left at Blizzard to actually read this, although, I highly doubt it’ll ever get an answer.


I haven’t even finished getting the cloak yet. I don’t have the heart to do this anymore.


What a wall but yeah. I spent half an hour flying around looking for eyes yesterday before just camping a spot. It was terrible. And the day before that I spent longer looking for cages. I really can’t take the removal of personal quest interactables as anything other than confirmation of Blizz only caring about time played.

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BFA in a nutshell


Yesterday was the first time I was able to play since 8.3 hit. I agree… I also flew around looking for those stupid eyes forever.

I did all the legion and BFA ‘quest island’ type content so far, including all their rares and dailies and the million pieces of engineering junk you had to wrangle from the gnome island. I spent many hours in each, and even enjoyed it.

I spent two hours trying to kill X rares in Uldim (Uldir? whichever) where X was 4 I think, and gave up. Meanwhile, instead of people calling out rares in general chat and working together, it was a bunch of ‘any rares?’ ‘why aren’t rares spawning’?’. ‘no u’.

Leaving everything else aside (like the fact that I have NO idea what I’m supposed to be doing with my 120 toons because the game is so overengineered now), you just didn’t tune this one right.