8/10M Resto Sham or Ele Sham LFG 9.1+

Hey there! If you’re still learning, we’d be more than happy to learn more of you too! :wink: The Sloppy Seconds raid group (8/10M) of Inside Voices (10/10M HoF #60) is looking for like-minded healers like yourself to help us push for CE this next tier! Our raiders have a wide range of top-end experience, which shows in the way that we manage our healers’ cooldowns (they love to hate it, we love to hear it :slight_smile:). Kidding, of course, our raid leaders keep us motivated to improve and to keep pushing. This is for a prime healer spot, so if you’re interested come check us out, you won’t be disappointed!

BTag: skrillareave#1502 or laqs#1103
Discord: skrillareave#3104 or laq#8413