8/10M Havoc DH/Destro Lock LF Mythic guild

My guild recently died due to TBC classic launching and we no longer raid. I am a Havoc DH main, but have a Destro lock alt as well that I have raided on in this past and can raid on again. I am currently on Thrall, but willing to server transfer as well. I’m looking to join a new guild that is close to/around the same progression I am at.
Can provide Logs as well when requested. Thanks and have a good day!

Bnet Streets20#1290
Discord Kyn#6952

I tried to add you, but the provided contact information did not go through. Implication is a new guild as of this tier comprised of mostly former CE raiders and some fresh blood. We started late and are looking to the future as the tier wraps up. I’ll post the usual guild spam below, but feel free to reach out to the contact in the post if you have any questions!

Guild & Server: (H) Hyjal-US
Raid Times: Tues/Thurs 7:30-11:30 PM CST
Current Progression: CN 7/10M
Contacts: Disc jt0wer#0432 | BNET Jatower#1925
Requirements: Mythic-ready with current progression boss knowledge under their belt. Team player with a good attitude and be receptive to constructive criticism. Must understand logs and have a drive to continuously improve.
Needs: All DPS (Immediate need for Mage, Hunter, WW)
Healers - Holy Paladin, Resto Sham, Disc Priest
Tanks - VDH, BDK, Prot Warr

Blarg Squad is on Illidan and looking to enjoy mythic progression, with players who come prepared to execute and have a good time. Mechanics MATTER. Guild Leadership has raid experience from Vanilla through current, including past server firsts, with the goal to achieve CE in a timely manner.

Current progress: 8/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-10 CST (8-11 EST)
Contacts: Divineblarg (Discord: Mint#3740 // btag: prizma#11192)
Draykke (Btag: Draykke#1523 // Discord: Draykke#6210)

Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the time to complete content, mythic plus, and weekly requirements for your SL Covenant. For raid, put in the effort to know the fights and mechanics and own up to your errors and work on them. It’s progression for a reason after all. Understand as well, our RL will put the best in for progression, period.

The guild provides cauldrons and feasts at raids, however, we expect you to bring health and mana pots, dps pots, oils, your extra flask if you are not alchemy, and armor kits.

Our group has been raiding together for a long time, some members as far back as BC. Others came along later and a few we met in classic. We have never had a clique atmosphere. Simply come hang out. We enjoy chatting, mythic plus, good humor, and during WOW downtimes, we play other games as a group. If you want a place to chill, we’re good for that too.

RaiderIO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/illidan/Blarg%20Squad
LOGS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/illidan/blarg%20Squad
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/illidan/Blarg+Squad

Hi Kyndrellesa, Beyond Reasonable Clout is a brand new guild looking to make its mark on the world! Created by former high-end mythic raiders migrating from Alliance for Shadowlands(I know, real original). Our mission is to create a strong stable guild that has a reasonable work/life balance. Our philosophy is success through sound decision making, and not brute force or waiting till we out gear everything.

For the first tier Shadowlands our goal is to get as far as we can in Mythic and to build a team capable of pushing CE next tier. Our long term goal is to get CE every tier, each faster than the previous.

BRC is looking for all players that have the ambition to learn, grow, and succeed as a guild! We strive for greatness but overall we just want to enjoy the hardest content in the game. To help prevent drama we have opted for a 3 officer council system instead of a top-down structure with a GM having last say.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 12:00am - 3:00am EST (9:00pm - 12:00am PST)

Current Prog: 8/10M

BRC is actively recruiting all members but specifically for the raid team our needs are:

  • Dps: Any Dps, with preference for Moonkin, DK, Hunter, Monk and Warrior
  • Exceptional applicants of any type

Barlar - Bnet: Barlar#1928 Discord: barlar#7769
Monkaru: Bnet: Zwarg#1365 Discord: Zwarg#2530

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Hey there Kyndrellesa!

Conviction of Bleeding Hollow (10/10M - 2night a week) guild is currently recruiting a Warlock for our main roster. We raid Tues from 7:30-10:30pm and Sunday from 6:30-10:30pm CST. We may be what you are looking for! Check us out:

Shiver is recruiting for 9.1. We are a Mythic Cutting Edge minded guild with a two day raid schedule. We strive to accomplish as much as possible in our limited raid time. We believe in a drama free relaxed atmosphere and the officers do their utmost to keep it that way. We are looking for like minded individuals to complete our raid roster. During Castle Nathria, we were 8/10 Mythic before we decided to move the guild’s raid schedule from a weekend schedule to a weekday schedule. We have maintained the core of the guild and are focused on recruiting like minded players for the remaining raid spots with people who can attend the guild’s new raid schedule.

8/10M Castle Nathria as Ilterendi

10/10M Nyalotha as Insanity

We are currently recruiting for 9.1
We are interested in players who meet the following criteria:
. 21+, self motivated and willing to do the work on their own character through sims, logs, research, and videos outside of raid time.
. Put the time and effort into their character to ensure their character is fully optimized.
. Ready to be completely focused on raiding during the three hours of raid.
. Enjoy a calm non toxic raid environment.
. Willingness to be constructively critiqued on their performance and ability to make changes where necessary.
. Understand that mechanics are far more important than parses.

Raid Schedule
Tuesday - 7-10PM Central US Time
Wednesday - 7-10PM Central US Time

We maintain a raid team of 22 to 24 people. Everybody must earn a spot on the raid team through their performance. Once you have earned your raid spot, you must continue to keep it through effort. The most valuable people, who perform the highest and have the best attitude will occupy the raid spots, irrespective of how long they have been with the guild. The Trial period typically lasts anywhere from three to five weeks, but may be longer if there are areas we would like to see improvement (i.e. performance or attitude).

If you feel this sounds like a great place for you, please fill out an application:

Or contact:
Discord Contact Taunted#9350

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we are mainly recruiting ranged, but I sympathize with the struggle. Provide logs and check us out if you’re interested!