8/10 (H) Boomie CE as Bear/ With a healer LF CE guild

I raided as a boomie for 8/10 bosses with prog into p3 SLG as Boom. Swapped to bear for Denathrius as it was needed and got CE as a bear. I have a partner who has prog into p3 sire as well but was sat for other classes.
LF a CE guild that is looking for a tank/dps/healer (I multi role a lot) and a healer position.
I can play almost any class and spec that is needed and healer is MW/Resto sham looking mostly to play Rsham next tier.

Hey! we are currently looking for an Rsham!

What are your preferred raid days? We are looking for a RShaman. 8/10M current tier, will be CE in SoD 9.1. We raid Friday/Saturday nights 6pm-9pm PST.

Discord: Nexed#4210
Bnet: Nexed#11653


Evolution Discord

Hello from Nerve! We are a 10/10 Mythic Raiding Guild we finished the tier with first on alliance side and 4th place server wide for Emeral Dream and we are hoping to aim for that number one spot in the coming tiers! We would love to have both you in boomie and your resto shaman trial with us ! our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 12pm EST if those times work for you please reach out to me via discord
Discord : Atlien#1442