8/10 Disc Priest LF CE Guild

Experienced Disc Main looking for guild still trying to push CE this tier.

Can play both holy and shadow very well.

ilvl 225

Raid leading experience.

Old guild got burnt out on this tier from recruiting and decided to call it quits, but I would still like to continue the hunt for CE and help a guild achieve the same, if not already.

Current raiding schedule: Tues/Wed 8-11pm est. Would like to keep similar but am open to some rescheduling. Can’t raid Thurs or Friday.

Current realm: Illidan, but would be open to xfer.
Bnet: Dizzylights#1650
Discord: DizzyLights#6171


I’d be interested in speaking to you or seeing an app from you!

Blue Lion & Red Wolf Clan

Guild Info
Realm - Hellscream
Faction - (Blue Lion)Alliance/(Red Wolf Clan) Horde

We want to make the game feel like the old days; when it was fun and a community. I don’t know about everyone else but I miss the community feeling. Nowadays everyone gets on and does raid finder or a pug group, there is no sense of family or loyalty. This guild wants to bring back that old atmosphere. We want to build up a family that works together; no YELLING or blaming other members, just an attitude of encouragement and respect. We don’t want to run the guild alone, we want to build a council of about 10-12 people who share our values and views on this STILL amazing game. We would love to recruit players who want to help build this guild from the ground up. This council will be the foundation, we will come together to form a guild charter and figure out what we expect from members. Then as a group we will start recruiting members that are suitable for our guild. Starting out we want to establish a raid team/s for our guild so it would be extremely awesome if we could find a few experienced raiders who would be willing to take up the reins of leadership. If we find members who enjoy PVP and desire to take up a leadership role in that area, we welcome that too. Our philosophy is loyalty! So if you are a person who hops from guild to guild, or a person who quits because the guild is not doing as well as you would like; we honestly DON’T want you. We want committed, trustworthy, responsible, and dependable people who want to shed blood to make this guild extraordinary.

Ranking system
Guild Master - Guardian
Council/Officers - Elder
Raiding Officer - Conqueror
PvP Officer - Enforcer
High Lvl Raider - Vanguard
High Lvl PvPer - Avenger
Low Lvl Raider - Seeker
Low Lvl PvPer - Defender
Casual Member - Adventurer
Disciplinary Rank - Workhouse

Council Members (Must have lvl 60)

  1. Someone who shows commitment to the guild.
  2. Someone who recruits regularly. (For now just looking for loyal partners who want to help build the foundation of the guild, once we have formed up we will recruit more members.)
  3. Someone who wants the game to feel like a family again and can be supportive to other guild members. (in game and out if possible)
  4. Someone who shows up to events and helps set them up! (unless they have a VALID excuse)
  5. Someone who helps other guild members achieve their goals.
  6. Someone who plays on a regular basis. (not every day but a few days a week)
  7. Someone who donates to the guild. (Supplies, Gold, and Event Prizes are welcome)
  8. Bonus: Multiple toons in guild!

Raid Leaders
If after reading the requirements you feel like you are experienced enough to be a raid leader please contact Kalnazzar.

Note: Anger is a part of being human, but try not to rage at your raid team!

  1. As a raid leader you are responsible for knowing all aspects of the fight. You should be able to help tanks, healers, and dps figure out their roles. Watch videos of the fight on YouTube before raid night to stay up to date.
  2. At the beginning of each fight you are to explain the fight to the raid.
  3. During the fight call out instructions for players.
  4. Set the loot to Master Looter epic threshold before the fight begins.
  5. Be fair to all team members.
  6. Stick to the loot rules.
  7. Help team members who are having trouble. You might need to look up their rotation or set them up with a mentor from the same class.
  8. At the beginning of each fight wait for all members to be ready before you signal the encounter to begin.
  9. Make sure that your raid team is held accountable.
  10. Never give away a team spot unless a member does not show up. Please give those team mates that signed up a 10-minute window to make it. In this type of situation look for other guild members to fill the spot then pug.
  11. Invite new members on a first come first serve basis depending on role/class need. Do not add members to your team unless they read our guild creed. They must have downloaded Deadly Boss Mods, GTFO.
  12. If you have to kick a team member, please send Kalnazzar in game mail explaining the situation.
  13. Be an example by following the Guild Creed.

Contact Information:
Discord - Kalnazzar#0681
Email - Guardian.kalnazzar@gmail.com
B.Tag - Kalnazzar#1737

Looking for someone who has experience setting up a website that will work closely with Kalnazzar to get our guild some exposure! We are looking for a specific character traits in our members so the website will allow us to cast a wide net.

Check us out! My discord is Emencess#7777 feel free to reach out… (H) Area52 <Pillars> 10/10M LF Exceptional Healer

Hi, I’m actually looking for a disc priest for Sire prog! 9/10M (Horde) on A52. We raid 8-11PM EST, Wednesday and Thursday. I’m generally able to reply best on Discord at Lunais#4245. No need to transfer unless you like us, or we get CE, whichever happens first. If you have any questions, ask away!

We would welcome your experience to help our guild push CE, please contact me on Discord teglin#8859.

this guy is pretty cute ngl

1 Like

Guild: Fathom
Server: [H] Illidan - US
Current Progression: 8/10
Raid Times: Tues/Wed 11pm-2am CT
Currently Recruiting:
High: Warlock, RShaman, Priest
Medium: All other classes/specs

Fathom 8/10M formerly Late Shift 12/12M is a Semi-Hardcore raiding guild located on US-Illidan who’s main focus is Cutting Edge on a two day (6hr/week) schedule. We raid Tues/Wed from 11pm-2am CT. We do not recruit for the bench. If we are trialing you it is for the core raid team. We maintain a roster of a minimum of 25 players in order to flex the comp to the needs of the encounter, cover post outs & DCs. Being part of the raid team comes with the understanding that you will sit from time to time for all the various reasons that come with being part of a mythic raiding guild.

All raid spots are competitive and we’re always looking for strong, motivated & experienced players of all classes/specs.

We are looking for talented players who know their classes well, come prepared with a good knowledge of the encounters, have flasks/food/pots and can maintain high performance in a mythic raid environment from start to finish. Raiders should be able to have as close to 100% raid attendance as possible, (consistency is key) and have a “guild/team first” mindset.

If you feel that you will fit in and become an asset to the raid team/guild feel free to reach out through Bnet or complete a short app in our discord.** We do not cross realm trial**. If you are applying in the first place you should have confidence that you will succeed here and be willing to make the commitment of a server transfer.

Contacts: Bloodheavy#1515, Snappledrank#1530, Strouk#11920

Hey! Le Clique on Hyjal is recruiting for Castle Nathria progression!
Friday/Saturday 6:30-10:30pm PST
Optional content through the week.
We are also 10/10M
Multiple CE Guild
We have a guild application at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfx-tH9L0ervz4UG8rQ9k-n5YUC42htqlHvccg6gQYOUX9wAQ/viewform
If you have questions you can contact us at:
Discord: Ckbeast#7203 or Lifeforce#0425

Bump, just checking to see if you’ve found anything yet. We’d still love to have you trial out with us!

Hi, Retirement Sanctuary is a bunch of old raiders clinging to the progression dream. Our goal is to clear all the content (Cutting Edge), on a more relaxed schedule than the good ole days.

Realm: Illidan Horde
Raiding Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7:30-10:30 PST
Recruiting: Healers in high demand, but all roles (even tanks) will be considered!
Progression: 8/10 Mythic, just starting on SLG

We are also recruiting what we call ‘flex’ raiders, who may not be available every raid night. Since we’re old retired people, we know that sometimes your walker breaks down and you can’t make it to raid. Flex raiders are lower priority to get in on progression kills, but can pretty freely come in on farm bosses.

In short, our mission is to clear mythic raids without sacrificing fun. Please reach out via discord!

Discord Admins: (otou#7657), (Shuttlecasts#8052), (Zinnin#1337), (Aidmaro

What’s your guild details?