INDESTRUCTIBLE- KEL’THUZAD (Top 100 World Alliance Jaina 79 and currently 1/2M CoS)
CURRENT NEEDS AS OF 5/24/2019: Resto Shaman and Disc Priest or solid ranged dps (not hunter)
Indestructible is a long-standing 20 man, 3 night per week Alliance raiding guild on Kel’Thuzad US comprised of fun and mature people. We’ve been around for over eight years and we’re looking for people who are serious about raid progression and want to have fun progressing.
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 7:00PM - 11:00PM MST (6PM-10PM PST) (9PM-1AM EST)
Raid invites start at 6:45 PM. Trash pulls generally begin shortly after.
Dragon: Dragonsaber#1205(bnet)/Dragon#6631(discord)
To apply, visit weareindestructible with a dot com at the end.