8.3 Story Discussion (SPOILERS, Y'ALL)

anyone else jealous that the Horde gets a council now but the Alliance still has to just be “the humans and their wacky sidekicks”


You’re being very rude to HIGH KING ANDUIN, Miko.

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Not really, but considering any member protectorate of the Alliance is free to go “To hell with your orders, I’m out” or not heed a summons I guess I never really felt like they weren’t a council to begin with.

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I read that as “High King Admin”

I am happy that Tyrande didn’t just smile and wave and went along with what a paper said after so many people died. Looking forward to Night Elves and Worgen being bros and RP’ing as a Worgen headhunter in search for Sylvanas.


Genn is weird, he’s just like “well Anduin I agree with everything she just said but I will still follow you because I’m your dad and I love you”

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That about sums up my thoughts on the matter.

… well, uhh…
… better get started on the voldunai rep…
… and cautiously watch how this story unfolds…
… far, far away…

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Lor’themar: The Alliance has sent word. They have agreed to the armistice. This bitter war is finally over.
Baine: At last we can begin to heal our wounded Earth Mother… and the wounded Horde as well.
Lor’themar: One question remains. Who will serve as warchief? Perhaps, you, Thrall, would–
Thrall: No. I told Saurfang I would not lead the Horde again.
Thrall: But perhaps the question is not who will become warchief… but whether there should be one at all.
Lor’themar: Though the Horde has changed through the years–for good or ill–our people have always looked to a warchief to guide us forward.
Baine: That legacy must end. The war nearly cost us everything. There is no place for a warchief in a time of peace.
Thrall: It is true–the Horde has changed. Our ranks have grown, and new voices have stepped forth to lead.
Thrall: This is what makes us strong. All of us, building a new future–together.

Thrall, you stupid butt nugget, this should’ve been the question you asked when you found the New Horde to begin with.


thank you for this


Please do not eat butt nuggets.

Rokhan: Since da death of Vol’jin, da Darkspear been lookin’ ta me ta guide dem.
Rokhan: I been fightin’ for dem a long, long time… but dat don’t mean I deserve ta be deir chieftain.
Baine: I felt much the same when my father died. It happened suddenly, and I feared that I was unprepared to take his place.
Baine: But I was ready, just as you are. You proved that in Zuldazar and at Stromgarde. The Darkspear have faith in you, and so do I.
Rokhan: Heh. Ya best be stoppin’ da flattery, Baine, before it be goin’ ta me head.
Rokhan: But… da Darkspear do be needin’ a leader. A voice on da council. And if it gotta be me… den it be me.
Baine: Trust your judgment, Rokhan. It has led you this far.
Rokhan: It be havin’ a lotta help. From da Darkspear, from da loa… and from da Horde.

So yeah there’s more confirmation of a council setup.

Thrall had a bunch which would explain why he’s such an idiot

All Tyrande wants is Sylvanas dead. I think the most peaceful resolution to it is for the Horde (and Alliance can be there too I guess…) to mostly kill her and let Tyrande get the final blow.

Then she’s like, “Hey you guys fight good, you’re alright, glad we could see eye to eye. Now get off my lawn.” before the Horde is TP’d out and she moonwalks her way to Stormwind to sign the treaty, only for the whole Moon Warrior thing to be forgotten the next the horde is up to no good. if she makes a cameo afterwards, she’ll just shake her head “oh you silly orcs, always up to something” before taking the kids to McDonalds.


Well that’s just… unfortunate.

to be honest im not 100% sold on tyrande being a villian

she sees the horde as a whole as responsible for teldrassil (as she should), but only seems to be focusing on sylvanas

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I’m honestly happy with most of this. The Tyrande stuff makes me nervous, but aside from that.

The Horde is finally growing up, and that tickles my feeling glands.

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She does at least address it in referring to the Horde – or at least the significantly sized portion of the Horde that was complicit in the burning of Teldrassil and sacking an entire region – as rabid wolves that will bare their fangs regardless of who’s leading them.

I do hope this will lead to some juicy inter-factional lore for PvP’s sake, working closer to the isolated conflicts we’ve seen in Vanilla. It would be a step up from BfA.

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My biggest question is if Malfurion will ever do anything.

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