8.3 Story Discussion (SPOILERS, Y'ALL)

“Neither can live while the other survives.”

There is still time to join democratically elected probably even fairly somewhat warchief karmas on her vindicaar. The plan is to fly somewhere far away and beat up a bunch of new people no one has heard of and take their land. We will call it. I dont know. Ill have a poll. We will pretend the vindicaar cant take us back and that they are stuck with us. We will jusy keep expanding until they have to deal with us. Then we will be fighting to exist and therefore in the right. Dont worry though. Karmas will peace out at some point. Everyone mutinies at some point and joins hands to oust her. It was probably the law she passed saying big hats were mandatory 24/7.

The take away is that everyone bands together at the end to get rid of her and peace settles through the land.

Karmas only drops hats.

The Alliance and Horde


Vulpera and Mechagnomes.
Calia, the Bright Lady.
Tyrande did indeed stare into the abyss.
We’ve gone full circle with a blue warchief and a Horde council.

Ah, schadenfreude.

Naming my au vindicaar the vindicaan.

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About a year and a half ago I predicted the council and I demand my rightful spot on it Blizzard!

There won’t be one. The Horde will agree that a council is preferable and take it from there.

You heard it here first.

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Sometimes it feels like every old god has become increasingly more cryptic in their dialogue since C’thun. I feel like the intent is to make them sound unfathomable and eldritch, but it really makes them just sound goofy and we use them as glorified, overly-complicated previews.

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That’s how all prophecy and prediction works. Everything’s just vague enough to apply to multiple different things so that later on stuff can be changed without anyone being any-the-wiser.

the dark wiggler will become moist with the tears of a thousand wibbledibbles

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Wheels up in 10. Or. Faith crystal or whatev. Do you think we should take some azerrite with us to the new land?

Well, yeah, but how did we come to rely on Old Gods to tell us this stuff instead of treating them like monsters? Like, do they all say prophetic things all the time or do they sometimes just say like “arrrgh Im gonna get you”

I don’t know. I’m finding it harder and harder to care, so just… eh.

It reminds me of a part in God Emperor of Dune where Leto II literally pulls a random saying out of his wormy behind to fling in the faces of a pair of Reverend Mothers purely because it sounds sufficiently cryptic and profound.

Prophecies always make me think of the whiny voiced mage in the Mage opener of Dragon Age: Origins when you find the talking statue.

“It’s not that big a deal, anything can be made to sound ominous. Lo it is dark but the dawn will yet rise.” Or whatever.


okay, but real talk

Lor’themar: Thank you again for leading our forces in Nazjatar alongside me, Thalyssra. Your insight and courage were key to our victory.
First Arcanist: It was an honor, Lor’themar. I am relieved the war is finally over. Now you have no excuse to refuse my invitation to visit Suramar.
Lor’themar: Well, uh… I have been away from Silvermoon for some time. No doubt my people require–
First Arcanist: Halduron has assured me that Quel’Thalas is quite secure. And Rommath said that if you put up a fuss, he will teleport you to the Nighthold himself.
Lor’themar: It seems my closest allies are conspiring against me!
First Arcanist: Would it really take a conspiracy for you to spend time alone with me?
Lor’themar: No, my lady. It would be my pleasure.
First Arcanist: A suitably chivalrous answer, Regent Lord. There may be hope for you yet! Perhaps I can even teach you to relish the… simpler joys of life.
Lor’themar: Perhaps you can, First Arcanist. Perhaps you can.

I am unironically all about this


Is Thalyssra basically saying she can have Lor’themar warped to her place for a booty call whenever she likes?


What?! Is that real im at work

Hell yes she is


These two have raised the bar for mage flirts across the globe.


Remember that discussion a day or so ago in another thread about how queer people should keep their sexuality to themselves?

Can we talk about how there’s like 4 or 5 straight hookups in these patch spoilers alone, even including a corrupted titan watcher and a giant robo-mom?