8.3 PTR Datamining SPOILERS

I’m going to be honest, I posted this purely because baby alpaca.

And now for the only worthwhile bits…

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I might be dying of the plague but I’m still… something enough to update this.

Ny’alotha sounds like the Naga-run parts of Nazjatar but with giant Bugs clattering about which incidentally gives it an Egyptian Feel.

Hope you feel better <3

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I wonder if that’s an intentional thing to reference Nyarlathotep more…? Giving it an Egyptian feel and him inspiring thoughts of a Pharaoh?

The Black Empire and Ahn’Qiraj are both references to Nyarlathotep’s description and history while Drustvar is a reference to his schemes in The Dreams in the Witch House! Stormsong Valley of course is a reference to Innsmouth.

Whisper Gulch, Storm Peaks and Ulduar are references to the War of the Ancients Trilogy’s use of Whispers by the Old Gods as Yogg-Saron has nothing else aside from Yog-Sothoth’s name influencing him.

Knaak is the origin of Old Gods whispering to others thus ruining the Eldritch nature of them. Why he made them whisper is unknown but instead of making them incomprehensible he made them seem like scheming villains.

Calia and Derek got me like

The concept of ‘’‘Lightforged undead’’’ still makes me reach for the brain bleach, but Calia is willing to accept the Forsaken as they are, so hey.

The Nyalotha raid looks great! I’m disappointed that the Void isn’t getting the full expansion it deserves, though. Ah, well. Looking forward to the creepy transmog; my Velf Warrior is definitely gonna rock that Plate set.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Night Elf threads to bring you another PTR update.


Veteran of the Fourth War for DKs made by Bolvar. That’s a cute little change.


I’m glad N’zoth has a hidden mythic only phase to be honest. This expansion broke the pattern that Cata had set up. Where one boss got a power-up leading into the final, hidden phase. Examples include:

Ragnaros growing legs
Garrosh porting to a version of Stormwind he dreams about
Archimonde porting us and himself to the twisting nether
Sargeras giving Argus a little red pick me up.

You could include the Lich King in this as on heroic, everyone gets sucked into Frostmourne in phase 3 instead of only 1 person. But I wouldn’t to be honest.

The other type is another contender shows up for a fight. Early examples of these were actual hidden bosses. The first of this was Nightbane in Karazhan, followed by Algalon in Ulduar. These two required you to do a quest chain in order to unlock them. With Algalon requiring you to defeat 5 bosses on hard mode for the chain. Sinestra and Ra-den were hidden bosses that were unlocked on a specific difficulty, heroic mode.

WoD changed this with Mar’gok on mythic. Where Cho’gall shows up towards the end of phase 3 and takes over as the final phase. This continued in Legion with the Demon Within taking over for Gul’dan when the orc is knocked out.

The only boss in BFA that I could see blizzard doing this one for would’ve been Uu’nat. We defeat Uu’nat on mythic, however N’zoth is still not convinced that we are worthy, so he creates an Avatar like entity and fights us. Upon defeating it, he allows us to take the relics of power and the horde can take the dagger formally known as Xal’atath.

It doesn’t make sense for the other end of raid bosses to have this version of the extra mythic phase in all honestly. Given the context of each fight.

At least with Mar’gok we knew Cho’gall had to show up again at some point after the cinematic that plays after we killed Kargath. And of course something goes wrong when Dadgar attempts to put Illidans soul back into his body.

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8.3 release date announced and the Worgen heritage armor still looks like trash. Good to know Blizzard cares about the Worgen players…

Oof, oof, oof, I only have a matter of weeks to get all my characters at max level and Lunene in particular geared up >_< Good to know the release date for 8.3, however.

Aaaaaaaa Wrathion! <3 I love my dragon son! <3

The ability name change for allied race DKs makes sense, since most of them wouldn’t have been around for the Third War in-universe (save for some Dark Irons/Kul Tirans/Velfs/Zandas).

It is very frustrating that the male worgen running animation has received some positive changes on the PTR, but the female worgen version hasn’t been touched at all.