8.3 PTR Datamining SPOILERS

I think the gift will be cleansed and Magni and the others will just assume it was a result of fighting against the insanity of N’Zoth over us willing keeping the thing.

That would be a shame, though yeah that’s probably the most likely result.

What Nathanos carries for Sylvanas.




I was more thinking he’s referring to the Curse of the Flesh.

They used the Curse to reshape us into beings susceptible to their corruption, so this could be him bragging that our very bodies are vessels for the glory of the Old Gods and we should rightfully serve them… and that there’s more in that ancient plan coming to fruition.

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Rise from your grave!


I wonder what the vault of Y’shaarj is doing in the datamined ptr files.

That might be where the Black Empire Assault Boss is.

Finally get a good look at N’Zoth. BEHOLD!


The Carapace of N’Zoth battlefield with the head in the background is N’Zoth’s body while the Tentacled Monstrosity in Ny’alotha itself is Il’gynoth(“the behemoth that may yet consume your world.” according to Xal’atath) who serves as the battlefield for Shad’har the Insatiable and Drest’agath(who carves through Il’gynoth’s flesh causing him to bleed).

N’Zoth’s body is as large as C’Thun’s in Chronicle it seems… The smaller head representing N’Zoth’s mind which we see inside his carapace is probably what C’Thun and Yogg-Saron are.

We fought C’Thun and Yogg-Saron’s actual minds in their Raids not their heads! The fact that Titan Keepers didn’t consider that they could beat their minds to death explains a lot about why they decided to research the things.

Old Gods can only be killed the same way that Mordremoth and Kralkatorrik can it seems…


So when we were beating up yoggs brain, we were beating up the brain of a brain?



The Brain chamber is called the Mind’s Eye… That pretty much says we are inside his Mind when fighting the Brain of Yogg-Saron. We were not inside Yogg-Saron’s actual head(which the Titanforged probably destroyed)!

His physical brain probably no longer exists thanks to the Titanforged and thus only his mental representation of his brain still remains.

N’Zoth straight up has Animus(a copy of the Fury of N’Zoth), Deathwing and Azshara(instead of his Brain) represent him in his Mind’s Eye according to the Dungeon Journal.

N’Zoth is the only Old God whose body was intact when we fought him… The other 2 had their central bodies mangled with their projected mind chained within prisons with no one considering that projections of thought could be beaten dead.

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Edit: Adding observations.

  • Baine seems to be the head of the council and is the only racial leader to get a say on the Vulpera joining or not.
  • Baine, Thalyssra, and Ji are the only Horde racial leaders involved in the quest chain in some manner.
  • Baine rejects the Vulpera because the Horde is becoming stretched too thin.
  • We stop a peon revolution.
  • Looks like Nomi has joined the Horde.
  • After Kiro and we solve the different issues Baine admits it wasn’t his doing when the others try to praise him for it. Which leads to him admitting he was too hasty and the Vulpera officially join the Horde.
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I actually kind of dig this recruitment scenario. It touches briefly on the various statuses of the differing ARs, and sort of finds a neat little nitch for the Vulpera to play in the functional Horde. They’re essentially “odd jobs” or “support staff”. Not really specialized in anything, but competent enough in everything to be consistently valuable.

Also, Baine actually serving as a diplomat in between Horde Races is a nice touch. Seems he’s serving as go-between facilitating the needs of each Horde race; not just being an Alliance bootlicker. I’m strangely OK with that. Keeps him busy, out of the way, and gives him a very defined role within the Horde that he might actually excel at.


Seems more probable that Baine’s position on the council specifically is a diplomatic one, which would also entail welcoming new members to the Horde. At least, that was my take on it. It’s possible any member of the council could welcome in new races.



Seeing those draenei models makes me hope that modders come in and create healthy draenei models and the like for a custom game mode where we can have WoW era battles.

So we can have the Fourth War we bloody deserve.

There’s a separate thread for WCIII reforged stuff. Not really relevant to 8.3.

Baine’s role is a pretty good indication of what Anduin’s role should be, honestly. A “Chief Diplomat” position is a good fit for their natures.


My bad got wrong thread. Just read datamining.