8.2 sucks FYI

It’s ok, I have a panda too and it’s hard not mashing all the keys with them chubby paws right?

:beers: cheers!


I mean this is the real reason of why 8.2 ‘sucks’.

None of the actual content is out yet besides Mechagon and Nazjatar. Personally if it wasn’t for the rep grind, I would have continued the break I took after clearing BFD and came back when S3 + AEP is out.

But if I’m gunna afk in Boralus, I don’t want to do it like a peasant, so rep grinding I go.

Don’t feel bad I was waiting for 8.2 because there were many glitches and screen freezes. Also sick of the constant mount and unmount constantly when picking herbs or trying to run away from getting killed. ya shouldn’t have an issue mounting while being chased, I collected the quests at the beginning did them and still can’t fly because as I get quests their hard to find specially the robot one. I been working on that for two days and can’t find any bots. and like you say things disappear as you come close. as fgar as hidden treasures I searched all over all the islands and found 2 after searching for three fricken hours. Why in the f does blizz make it so hard to get flight after pounding out all the quests for part 1 and 2 . It’s also frustrating of not finding crap after 3 or 4 hours it gets frustrating to have to look up videos on YT for help to follow as i’m questing. Oh btw also frustrating on the treasures and the robot quests because ya can’t find any or they disappear as you reach it.
Also sucks that they now base fight on grinding when you were able to buy it before.


BYE FELICIA :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

Looks like MMOrpgs aren’t for you then.

Extra daily quest zones are not what MMOs are about lol. You have been on WoW for way too long. Stop abusing yourself XD


Wrong i seen the same thing in WoW now in other MMOrpgs as well looks like i been playing to many MMOrpgs then and i need to stop abuseing myself with the genre.

Truth is Alliance cannot do much on pvp ever since 8.2 came out, i go out of a “Safe zone” in any of the areas and like 30 hordes come at me and just DESTROY me, then they camp my dead body like I insulted their ancestors by existing.
Why is this? Why did the Alliance resign warmode? Is it because of the horde followers in Nazjatar?
Honestly got no idea but I’m hoping Blizz will figure it out because we’d all like to be able to have some fun right?

Oh thank god.

We were all dying to know your opinion. We can rest easy now.


for 2 weeks you rep gind for flying catch up alts and get essences.then the mythic content launches that most players wont do.

what you are doing now is all most players will be doing until next path…lol.

I came back to WoW after almost 8 months to check out 8.1 and 8.2. The game is still poopoo, wish I would’ve saved that token. The people that still defend this game have gotten used to how bad it is and their only excuses are “wait til this patch” or “it could be worse”. Keep buying your overpriced in-store mounts and sipping that kool-aid.


That’s what people said 2 months ago.


I hope you find a game you enjoy. Here’s to hoping 9.0 does it for ALL of us

It’s because the new forums have been bugged since they went live and allow people to post without an active sub.

Best description of that dumpster fire ever.:rofl:

I’m sorry you feel that way, Alliance scum.

My biggest issue with posts like this is it isn’t in any realm constructive. Why is the game bad? I can’t tell from the OP. And don’t say “just look around, everyone else is complaining!” because that’s not why YOU, as an individual, feel. And if it is? State it! Provide reasons for why this game sucks, because that’s how a real discussion works. People who post like the OP only want to fish for likes (because hating WoW has been the easiest way to garner likes since at least BC if not Vanilla) and want to hear an echo chamber of people who agree the game sucks but won’t add to the discussion.

If you wrote massive posts elsewhere, that’s also great! But I won’t go and find them. I want to know why people think the game sucks without them just spouting out vitriol at other players.

Also people like this, still doesn’t add anything to the discussion. Some people still like the game, it’s a subjective opinion. I personally dislike Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy 14; I don’t go around telling people to “keep buying your over-priced transmog tokens/character spaces/backpack space/cosmetic skins/etc.” and sipping that kool-aid.” Because at the end of the day, you not liking a game is still your subjective opinion, and there’s no reason to put down anyone else.

I still enjoy WoW. I like both of the new zones, I’ve been spending hours there. And when I stop enjoying the game, I’ll give my feedback and bow out. I won’t insult other players or people (those that do really support the idea that the community is toxic) and I will find a game worth my time. This is how these things should be handled.

TL;DR - just write reasons for why the game sucks due to your personal opinion and pet peeves, and then just leave. Find a game you will enjoy and that is worth your money. There are hundreds out there! But let’s not be a bunch of jerks to each other.


Quote of the Day.

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Its never appealed to enough players to make them stick around for long.

Its why in Cata they announced having more than 100 million accounts created but we peaked at 12 million concurrent.

Lots of churn (and abusing Asian pay system to pump up the “sub” count).

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Yet, you’re here on the forums letting everyone know about it.

I wonder, I wonder :thinking:

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