(8.2 Spoilers) Blood Elves, Jaina, and Sylvanas

You’re a Nightborne. A fake looking Night Elf. It’s hilarious how you’ve gone so far to inspect and dig through my achievements. But I assure you me and Spuddy are different people. Hopefully it keeps you up at night going mad and full of paranoid delusions that we are the same.

Kesa, no. Put the keyboard down!

what? hahahahahahaha :rofl: Come on. Yeah, you’re too nonsensical to be Spuddy or Spuddy is just bored.

“Murder, ignore, or kill off all of the problematic aspects of the Horde and redeem the rest.”

Bravo Danuser and Afrasiabi!

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I see you in every thread, being inflammatory. How the hell is Night elven history “being claimed” by Nightborne? Their the same damn race, with the same damn history. Stop being a crust nugget and contribute to the thread or move along.


I posted this in the other thread, so figured I’d post it here, too:


I thought Taran Zhu broke the cycle of hatred during the Throne of Thunder questline.

Why would they include an insignificant imprisoning as a catalyst for hatred is beyond me. Is it because the Alliance has done nothing wrong while the Horde consistently endangers the world?


Then you must be really good long term friends who quest together constantly or it must be an amazing coincidence you got the same achievements on the same day multiple times.

Honestly I don’t really care. I just found it funny. Particularly the fact you go on about ‘True Horde’ and ‘Fake Horde’ and all but certainly finished questing on an Alliance character first or at least before this character.


I got nothing to hide. I have an Alliance alt. Why wouldn’t I? I’m going to get my moneys worth by playing both sides. When I play Alliance I play Alliance. When I play Horde I play an actual Horde race and not an Alliance looking race that’s on the Horde. I prefer playing the Horde.

You mean an Alliance main, because that’s what it’s called when you do most things on one character before the others.

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Like what?

Just as Syriyna noted, you got the “Two Sides to Every Tale” achievement the same time you finished the Horde requirements for it. So either you completed requirements on both sides the same day, which means you play the factions equally, or you completed the Alliance requirements first and did the Horde’s later.

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What I would give for an option to backhand Jaina and side with Roma. I will boycott this quest before I ever help Jaina kill more blood elves.

You said most things. That’s only one achievement. Why wouldn’t I do that achievement? It gives me a unique cool Horde themed horse mount.

Well, you did complete the Alliance requirements first, so that’s really a grouping of things since it’s a meta achievement. You never did the Vol’jin quests even though you present yourself as an honor Horde fanatic. You got the Zandalari AR achievement almost a week after the Kul Tiran one, and the Mag’har achievement almost three months after the Dark Iron achievement. So I can only guess that you were way farther ahead on your Alliance campaign and rep requirements than your Horde one, either that or you just really like seamen more than Orcs.


Only a fake orc would ever consider using a horse for a mount, you’re just an orc that wants to be human :scream: :scream:



Lol this is friggen hilarious after all the True Horde bluster from this dude.

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I was ahead on my Alliance alt because I did more quests on Alliance. I mostly BG on Horde. That’s my favorite thing to do in WoW is battlegrounds. I didn’t do the war campaign at first on Horde because it looked like all it would be would just be me having to follow Sylvanas every command and I didn’t want to do that. I’d rather have been like Saurfang in prison than help Sylvanas. But then I saw the Saurfang choice and Baines involvement increase and so I got more interested and did the quests thus unlocking the allied races in the process. I’d remind you that you can easily protest the quests that require you to free Baine the same way I didn’t do them when I thought it would have me merely obey Sylvanas commands.

I’m not interested in most of the allied races and don’t play any of them except a Lightforged Draenei (isn’t 120 yet) because the Draenei are the most interesting Alliance race to me. Most the other Alliance races bore me.

It’s not as big of a gotcha as you think it is, lol. You’re on a Gnome and call Baine a traitor because he “works with the Alliance” in your eyes. Unlike you I’m not hiding. I don’t feel like I have to like you do.


Except everyone who is familiar with my posts knows I’m a Horde main… not exactly a secret.

Do you always insist to use people’s forum avatars as a means for argument? Attacking the person instead of the argument, sounds like a common logical fallacy me thinks…