8.2.5 official patch notes

LFR is low key harder than pugging Normal. I don’t know if I just get bad luck with LFR but it usually takes me forever to get through it.


I think we may have been giving sylvanas too much credit. I dont think its 4d chess, its 2d candyland. The story is so contrive and dumb that, even while setting our bars low, we overshot its depth and complexity.


I guess the only part that excites me is the idea of the war campaign breaking or bugging out because they’ve kept it so much under lock and key that they forgot to test it to see that it actually works. Just imagine - Anduin, Baine, and Sadfang finally confronting Sylvanas, and they all stand around doing nothing and then despawn because Bliz still hasn’t figured out proper beta testing. Truly, this would be the most appropriate way to end BfA’s ongoing narrative.


Oh I just hope it’s something insane, like there is a vehicle you have to get in and you go into a cutscene and when it reloads your suddenly under the mountains in Alterac or something on that level, unable to die, hearth or otherwise get ‘unstuck’ without admin intervention.

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I don’t know if I can handle more sexual tension between those 2 than the sexy daddy prison cinema had.


I’ll be thrilled if it’s really over.


Ugggghhh… the Anniversary raid will require 380 ilvl…

I just wanted to log on, do the raid, then go back to Classic… makin’ me farm new gear -grumble grumble-

Lets see if the Night Elves are made to give up more territory so the Horde can promise to withdraw from a zone but never do.

And that was from a “win”. Imagine if the Alliance lost back then.


will it be ashenvale this time, stay tuned to find out


Its gonna be darkshore, the orcs need the wood and beach condos

that is one dreary beach

So, perfect for the Forsaken! They always did love their grim and dreary

yall a bunch of a pessimists
im hyped for the thrilling conclusion. it probably makes no sense we built towards this for a while, cinematics and rule of cool are still fun. just gonna try and enjoy it for what it is.


The most interesting thing is the note about new quests being added. Hopefully that datamined Dark Ranger questline goes live, I don’t want all of them to go the way of the Kor’kron.

You know us so well! :cupid:

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I’m sure the Night Elves didn’t want their lands back, anyways.


I just hope it actually, eventually leads to tensions in Stormwind, for once. Night Elf citizens rioting in the streets. “No justice, no peace” and all of that.

Why would they have tension?

Forwarding this here for fun:


As the war is ending, Anduin will have presumably made peace with the Horde. Without achieving anything even vaguely resembling justice for Teldrassil (much less, vengeance).