8.2.5 broke the Pants of the Naaru

Yes. They’ve never been bikini mogs.

The others you mentioned, including the Formidable legs have also never been revealing on female characters.

Templar’s and Revenant have always had the cut out in the front only. They remain unchanged.

Hyperion, Ornate, etc are also unchanged. I triple checked.

Well, I’d argue the front cutouts make them bikini style.


Cool. Thanks for the clarification, I appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:

No idea why but they just looked kinda off to me.


Gonna use this as a shout out post. Hey developers! Can you add more skimpy items to the game in all armor sets??? I want all to be looking sexy! Let us represent sexy in honorable luscious revealing way.

That is all.


The first 8.3 PTR came out today and it still shows the “new” Pants of the Naaru model.

So you admit that you were talking out of your @ss before?

And it still means nothing, given the second part of my post: This is an unimportant bug unlikely to be the first thing to be fixed.

No. Unlike you, I actually VISIT the PTR. You go into “World of Warcraft” on your Blizzard Launcher tab, click the menu above the “Play” button, and select “PTR: World of Warcraft”. Since I am operating under the assumption that you have not downloaded it or visited it, as evidenced by your posts, you will need to wait for it before going on and verifying my claim.

It’s been 30 days and we still have broken pants. :broken_heart:


Officially a rare sentence.

They’re probably not broken, maybe they were too revealing for Blizzards taste now.


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If that were the case, other leggings would have also been “patched”. I would like to see that iconic transparency back in the Pants of the Naaru. That went nearly 13 years without any complaint.

Did a bluetext ever respond to this?
I heard there was a response on the EU forums but not US yet… anyone have any news?

I want these pants reverted and FIXED back to what they were before 8.2

They did post on the EU forums saying they were aware of the issue and looking into it.

The dressing room on the PTR has them looking as they did before, so I am hopeful that we will get them restored to their previous skimpy glory when 8.3 hits.

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