7th Legion Shield-Mage (proof high elves are Alliance)

Alliance deserve high elves. The joke is that blizzard knows this but won’t do it because of their completely strange decade long vendetta against alliance players


Nobody said High Elves didn’t exist. They just don’t make sense for a playable race for Alliance, as they’re literally just Blood Elves with blue eyes. Hence why you got Void Elves. Something different enough that they aren’t a lazy copy-paste.

They have no vendetta against Alliance players. If you think that they seriously sit around a table trying to figure out ways to screw over the Alliance, then you just need to grow up.


I love them, hopefully what you’re wanting happens. :crossed_fingers:

I don’t think they sit around a table and try to find ways to screw over alliance players, but I do think that the vast majority of the devs are Horde players and thus when making decisions, favor Horde because Horde players generally look down on alliance players like children playing cowboys and Indians.

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Get over yourself.


You’re Throwing insults at me yet claiming I’m the one with mental issues? Ok boomer

How do you function in the real world of human beings when this is the way your brain works?


Never said you had mental issues. Just said you need to grow up with your view on things.

This leads me to believe you aren’t over the age of 12. If you were you’d know this meme died like 2 years ago.


Why is everyone attacking me lol I’m just pointing out that we’ve been asking for this for 15 years, which blizz has acknowledged, and instead of just not putting high elves in the game, they turn around and give them to blood elves lol :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

I really liked this post, so I’m reposting it hear for visibility too.

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Hey I get it. You want a High Elf, but look at your reflection you have always been a High Elf. You just tasted too much of the Void. Now you have darker skin. Maybe if you’re nice the nice people at Blizzard will give Void Elf more skin tones similar to Alleria.

You’re a couple days early for a Sunday thread there OP.

Just gonna leave some distracting treats and sparkles here. :sparkles: :tropical_drink: :cake: :taco: :pretzel:

You keep saying this, but it is incorrect. Blood Elves are still the race know as High Elf, just with a different name.


What is with the tantrum thread? :roll_eyes:

Dear OP: no one ever said some High Elves haven’t been part of the Alliance. Are you new? The Silver Covenant has existed for a long time. Blizz isn’t giving you a direct copy paste of an existing race to play. Belfs aren’t getting the same color blue eyes.

Geebus, people need to calm down.


High Elves are part of the Alliance but not playable. Sort of like Ankoan, or Jinyu.

What’s the problem here?

Always start with denial then come anger

Eye color on elves is changes based on power you’ve been influenced. Having blue eyes doesn’t mean you’re alliance high elf, it just means you ate a lot of arcane

You’re right, they were already high elves.

Did almost everyone suddenly take a brick to the head and forget the lore behind the blood elves?

They are high elves! Just ones that followed Kael’thas after being left for dead by the Alliance general and turned to fel as a work around for their magic addiction.

Their eye color returning to normal which is the color they had before going through the dark portal shouldn’t even be an issue.

Calm. down.

When the Horde got Zandalr I am pretty sure it’s common knowledge it got all troll kind.

Key why the troll player options in shadowlands are all trolls from sand , frost , dark