up for 10.1 and late night friends!
bump for 10.1! come get CE with us before it goes away!
10.1 just around the corner, come get your CE before it goes away!
10.1 friends pls come here
up for late night friends
i was out of town and ct didn’t want to bump it all weekend
bump for a few more for 10.1
season 2 friends pls come raid with us i promise we’re nice
10.1 quickly coming! come raid with us!
fully open recruitment for 10.1!
b u m p for 10.1 friends!
bumping for a few dps! pref ranged!
just a few more!
bumping for ranged!
new season hype!
late night bump!
bump for dps!
just a few more
Just sent a friend request on Discord! These are such perfect times for me. CE previous tier all spec Warrior looking for this exact schedule. Current guild is 4x week 3.5 hours and since I just had a child with my wife I unfortunately need to bow out from their prog in 10.1. Looking for a new home
big ups for dps