7/9M ATDH 9/9M CE ATSC <Exploit> [Area-52] Tu/W/Th 10PM-1AM PST LF DPS/Healers

bump for dath prog this week

dath ded and i play priest again?

looking for a prevoker for full time slot!

bump for dps? p2 on broodkeeper!

need an evoker dps :’)

diurna ded

rasz prog off to a great start!

one more for the core?

huge prio on mage!

i would love more mage and dh friends

s t i l l looking for a mage and dh

bump for a dps or two?

Looking for another body or two for our push on Razz! come razzle the dazzle!

Bump for a few more! Join us for Rasz Prog?

just one or two more! come join for raz prog

up for some late night peeps

up for a few!

up for more raz prog

more raz prog! should go down in the next few weeks!

Huge prio on DH!