7/9M ASC. 8/8M 13yr guild 9pm-12am(PST) T/W/TH. Lf Pres evoker + H/S priest, possible mage too!

Hello friends we are searching for a Holy pali!

LF solid players for progression!

Hello friends! any WW out there?!

lf BIG DPSERS! 321 GO!

BIG reset tuesday! excited for them big vaults!

LF possible WW monk! any monkers?!

hello friends! Any dpsers wanna DPS!?!?

Hello WWs monk of the damaging type! are u out there?

any weekend gamers looking to weekday raid omga?!

Hello friends! lf solid dps for mythic proggers!

Any DPS lf face punch giant birb dragon?

Dev evoker or S priest highly preferred omga!

7/8M! lets get it brotherrrr!

Any healers? LF solid healers for mythic prog. Please want to play the game.

MAYBE time for a DH! what do u think?

Trial tonight! 321go dh!

Hello friends! LF dh plz :smiley:

Any DH dps around?

give me that thiccc purple DH! what did u think i was gonna say?!

hello friends! lf solid dpsers for end game proggers!