Any tank bois?! pref DK!
hello friends! Any Tanks with previous CE exp?
DK heavily preferred! would consider a solid pali tank or DH!
hello pplz u wanna … be a DK tank that isnt 6 years + out of date?
Also having any CE exp is very valuable!
maybe now that i updated the title a little we can get a TANK!
late night guild lookin for late night tank OHH YEA!
LF solid player to do mythic raiding! LF nolifer tank like me
hello fellow gamers any tanker bois?!
Late night friends only! how romantic!
big ol reset day! go on out there and be somebody!
Possible prot pali too! bdk is best dk tho!
HELLO FRIENDS! lets go find a tank!
I remeber you guys from KJ , I ran a guild on there for a few years called status pro later re-named to Perseus. Me and two friends are looking for a new home.
Friend 1. Has a DK,Warrior,DH All are Tanks ( Raw)
Friend 2. Has Holy Pally / Resto Druid ( Lightwater)
Myself (3) Ele/Enhance//Havoc DH// WW Monk ( Ndevar) ( also I will play any RDPS you need if I know before M+ on the 13th. It will be geared and ready)
Caste Nathria we reformed under the new name Perseus and Finished US 156th
Took a break in Sanctum cleared up to M Anduin on SepyC ( I think raw got CE that tier without us)
Tier 21/22 we all raided in different places I took a break from raid leading
Tier 20
5/9M at US 53 on Par for US 50 ish until guild broke up
Tier 19
Xavius @ US 305
Helya @ US 110
Guldan @ US 95
I could go back more but seems like no point.
Here are some random logs to look at from different times:
Lightwater on Priest
Lightwater on Paladin
Light on Monk
( Ndevar on Shaman Raid Lead)
Ndevar Boomy Raid Lead
Most recent Raider.Io from season 3
Add me on B tag Endever#1256 or Discord #4791 if you got room, we are not a package deal at all would be nice to play together but if one of us does not make trial then that is understandable. We are all very experienced mythic raiders with 10+ years of raiding around us 50-150 level. Your guild sounds what we are looking for so lets chat soon!
Hell yeah bump bump
hello friends! any tanks around?
Yo we got a tank my mans. What’s your info lets chat!!
discord is Lightwater#7092
Hey there. I added you on a BNet, I had some questions before applying. If you could message me on Discord (Vega#4105), that would be great. Thank you.