7/9 mythic Multiclass healer LF guild season 4 and TWW 3100 io!

Looking for home. CE aberrus and KSH every season+ pvp min maxing
discord: faiwybeawy
Bnet: FairyBeary#1969
MW: Faiwymist-malfurion: 488 fully equipped+ 6/9 mythic+ Mythic fyrrak exp
DIsc/Holy priest: Faiwybeawy-stormrage: 487 fully eqquipped 8/9m exp 7/9 mythic +3.1k io
prevoker: FaiwyDwagon-Whisperwind-480 fully eqquipped-9/9 h

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AYEO lets go. lets find a home

here we goo. all healers accounted for

Hey my name is Olav, Im a raid leader for the team snafu from Parses On Trash - Dalaran.

We raid friday-saturday 8:30pm est till 11:30pm est.
As for who I am, I’m a multi CE HOF raider that raid leads this guild on the side. We’re looking for motivated players to bolster our roster. With us being a weekend guild we try to maintain a 23 man roster. And if we have to take a day off due to holidays we do. IRL stands ahead of the game. We try to do things efficient to get max outcome with minimal effort.

We try to build a strong team, but more importantly a team that enjoys having fun together and enjoys raiding, we prog as far as we can in mythic. We try to foster a positive environment where people can relax, are open to feedback and improve.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please reach out to me on discord
Discord: olav3118

Hello from Paragon.
We are looking for raiders for S4 and TWW for Heroic and Mythic. Check out our post here <Paragøn> [Area52] 6/9M - T/Th 8-11 EST - Recruiting For S4 & TWW * Tank needed