7/8M & 8/8H NP LATE NIGHT CE Focused Mythic Guild LFM[Area 52] <Parasomnia>

LFM dps and flex dps/heals

looking for more dps. Need warrior, dh, druid, priest.

I have a 604 ele shammy, and 580’s pres evoker, looking for a late night raiding guild.

lfm dps and healer with dps os

LFM dps, pst if interested

loooking for another healer!!

Looking for healer!

lf full time healer to our core grp.

looking for more flex dps/heal, also dps.

looking for flex players. dps with heal os

lfm dps with healing os

lfm flex dps with healing os. any dps are encouraged to apply.

LFM to season 2

looking for warrior and dh and more dps!

looking fore more going to season 2. everyone is welcome to apply.

looking for more going to season 2

still looking for more going to s2

looking for more going to season 2

Looking for more players going to s2

looking for more! reclearing the rest of the season 1 going to new season.