No we aren’t going to agree… and if what you say is true about your already beating Heroic CN and doing max mythic+ then it sucks to be you for the time being until new content comes out, try mythic raiding? I don’t personally believe you, but that’s just me and my opinion shouldn’t matter to you. Hell Torghast wasn’t difficult if you had a group of players that weren’t idiots.
Also people keep bringing up, “solo” content… it’s an MMO, not POE or some other solo based game with a “multiple player aspect” as a side thing. Also some classes excelled well past others in Torg, it was a fun concept… poorly done, IMHO. Legendaries will never be what they were, the game isn’t what it was in vanilla where you would grind the raid for however long it took to get the parts for one person to receive the materials or whatever for a single item. The grind isn’t fun for most players… plus, the vast majority of players are casuals who play a couple days a week, so yea the grind isn’t gonna work for the majority of the player-base, that’s why they nerfed it. Then you got players like myself who play daily and still hate that grind through content that is as immensely boring like Torghast. It was cool the first 2-3 times, but it quickly became boring, tedious and challenging for what? Soul Ash… to spend your gold on an item, someone has to make, that is now going to continue to be a chore to upgrade. Grind gold, grind soul ash, purchase new parts… rinse and repeat. The game is already a grind… why do we need everything to be difficult? Sometimes, you just wanna hulk smash everything and go back to doing the fun stuff the game offers.