just found out some of my raiding communities stopped raiding FL because H Rag on 25m is too hard for the majority. Even for my teams that killed h rag in 2nd-3rd week, the amount of effort to form a good roster is just not worth anymore. The fight lasts for 12-15mins, comp dependent (stacking hpala dks hunters), and 1 person making any mistake could wipe the whole raid. This kind of design just doesn’t fit classic.
Please consider nerfing Rag hp so even if we wipe, we don’t have to repeat another 10 mins of misery. There are too many ppl gave up at this point.
Rag is not even hard. Just a long fight. But one of the most consistent scripted encounters I’ve ever done.
There are tons of mistakes you can make on Rag that don’t wipe the raid. The big challenge is having people not fall over to dumb stuff for 12 minutes. Lava waves and the dance are not difficult mechanics.
I mean this is what people cheer at when they reverted the DS nerfs to the “original” state on the PTR forum section.
This is what we’re playing and I don’t think they will be doing any other changes until they have to PTR DS and come up with more “brilliant” decisions
It’s pure raid log… unless you have the stomach to run those inferno dungeons…
Not adding to the conversation of the actual topic, cause I don’t have an opinion, but I have to mention that hpala would be referring to holy paladins.
i really like the fight but yes its basically tuned to the point where people messing up destroy the entire pull and it’s quite long, i would also note that this fight is a semi nerfed version which in my opinion is probably one of the best decisions blizzard have made regarding cataclysm, i’ve done the geyser mechanic and i can tell you that its a source of insane frustration
gear will really carry eventually, especially if u are playing 25 man, its a pretty tight dps check even when you do the milk for most guilds
alliance is ofc dying, the end is inevitable, the same mistakes have been made again and the majority of the hardcore population already paid to become horde
Might be able to kill it this week, mostly learning last phase movements and soakers learning to soak. We’ve gotten way better at getting to that last phase without too many deaths. I think Rag is a much better boss than LK but that’s my opinion, feels less rng and I hated valkyrs.