Shadowlands PvP Vendors Temporarily Closed

To solve an issue with the new Shadowlands PvP vendors, we need to despawn them temporarily.

The vendors will return with the next realm restarts.

In other words: “We want for force everyone offline to reset their honor since people stayed logged on to dodge the reset.”


So did people get free full sets?

Can you get honor while leveling 50-59 and then have enough for a full set at 60?

I had a little honor left but that is kind of like cheating so glad I didn’t.

I had 42k honor and 8k conquest. Can only imagine what some people managed to spend…

Will people who did this honor thing keep the items they bought?


if true
take away the gear gained


Hope they get nuked and lose the gear. In fact, The better be.


where are the pvp armor vendors anyway? like where are they located?

The vendors are STILL. NOT. BACK. Can you guys PLEASE fix this?

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People were buying honor gear before the reset and were wanting to refund it in order to get past the reset.

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even if people were doing weird sketchy stuff anyone who bought stuff should not be able to get the honor back via refund.

Honestly shouldn’t broadcast this sorta thing in public though (Not saying to not tell blizzard - but make a bug report or report people you see with a LOT of honor gear / conquest gear already. Or make a ticket describing the issue in more detail.

I’m already basically capped. I hope we don’t have to wait until next week just to get honor gear or that’s gonna be a real kick in the nuts.

Nawww :frowning: I have 100k but not even 60 yet damn you IRL responsibilities waves fist at clouds

I was keeping tabs on streams that were doing it and I think Blizzard sometime around launch removed the refund window on such items. So I hope that there wasn’t too many people that were able to get an advantage that way.

Also I am sort of the person, that the only way to get problems solved is to make it a widespread issue for everyone.

Apparently Blizzard already took away the Conquest from people. I queued with / into a monk named Dezo on Moon Guard. Called him out for using the exploit after armory’ing him and finding out he had been cheating the system to get full conquest and upgraded honor gear.

Apparently they took it away from him though. So who knows if that’s true or not. As far as I’m aware cheating/exploiting people have little-to-no credibility.

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I always miss out on release exploits though :frowning: but yeah they always get “fixed” very soon, like the m+ chest at the start of bfa from Legion.

Yeah I see what you’re getting at for sure but what you’re purposing inflicts A LOT of ‘collateral damage’ which tends to be FAR worse then the initial problem was… Essentially turning a mountain into a molehill.

Not saying that people should get away with that stuff but just being realistic. Most of the wide-spread exploits don’t really get attention. And Blizzard is very obviously aware of the problem. So spreading how to make the problem worse, when Blizzard already clearly knows what’s going on - probably isn’t aiding the situation at all.

It might be a different conversation if Blizzard wasn’t doing anything about it. But it’s completely different context in this instance to make such a post after they’ve clearly recognized and tried to contain the problem. Just my two-cents though.

Too often blizz encourages this type of behavior by not only letting it go without punishment, but sometimes letting them keep their ill-gotten gains. It’s pretty bad when the mantra for over a decade has been “exploit early and often”.


And that is what gets under my skin. Sweeping things under rug because the “who cares it is just less than 1000 people or their gameplay has no impact on you” excuse has grown old. Stomp and close all loopholes and eliminate grandfathering while removing all previously unforeseen advantages gained for characters.

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