70m que on Skyfury

Hey! Hey!

Get your good ideas out of here! :angry:

Yeah but it really doesn’t work for me.
Drools on self…
I didn’t have a queue last night at 2 AM.
it’s a player made problem…
more drool
I work from home. And by work I mean I am unemployed…
so much drool
just because you didn’t like the solution doesn’t mean they didn’t give you one.
But faction balance!!

Did I hit all the talking points? lmao

That was pretty good, and to drive this one point home. Fresh players had NO options. 1 West coast PvP server. 1 East Coast PvE server. The only way to play fresh currently and avoid a queue is to reroll on Maladath.

My friends do not want to reroll with so little time left. Thats why transfers should be allowed. Help Skyfury and help Maladath with a bigger population

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None of these relate to me. I want a Fresh West Coast PvP Server that doesn’t have a que time of 1hour at 1pm on a weekday. Apparently, that’s actually too much to ask for.

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I just got home from work, and the queue is 7,548 people with an estimated 167 minute wait time.

Sure would be great to be able to log in to my character and take advantage of that 50% XP boost before it goes away, but it isnt looking like that’s going to happen for anyone who works a 9-5.


Exactly this. Its 6pm by the time I get home from work. 9pm by time the que’s up. Not much time to grind to lvl 70.


The funny part is that for me its actually not even 1 hour. I keep getting disconnected and it has to start over again.

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I’m completely on board. Who cares about faction balance if people can’t even play the game lol. And for those that can, theyre gonna get a big wake up call when half their raiding members perpetually show up 3 hours late if at all. At that point it also wont matter if you made it in because your guildies have not.

The amount of non playable characters in this forum is astounding. That’s why I have their talking points memorized. They don’t have to make sense. They probably have them ready to copy/paste on a notepad doc.

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Skyfury could be that server if enough people are willing to leave the PvP server for Maladath. All of us are adults with real jobs. Right now the only option we have is reroll or wait and hope the queue dies out 3-4+ weeks from now

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I guess I dont understand why they can’t merge servers later. make 3 PvP Servers, and notify the community before hand that these servers will be merged at x pop.


Unlikely that we’ll get more fresh servers.

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Is that a lot?

70 is the low end. Queues can go upwards to 200+ minutes, depending on when you try to login.

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I remoted in two hours ago into the queue.

I just got out of work and my computer is showing 181 minute queue still for skyfury.

Guess im not playing tonight…


This statement is just flawed. You bring out a fresh PvP Server which has right now 4 hours que time. The most simple solution would be to give players a second fresh Server to fulfill their experience… if for any reasons the server starts to die couple months down the road, then just merge like they did previously. But Blizzard is just sitting here, looking at the ques and thinking that is fine…?

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The queue on Skyfury is currently 4 hours long. I remoted in to queue 1.5 hours before I get off work, and I still won’t be able to play tonight.


Why can’t blizzard just create a new EST coast server and give free transfers from Skyfury to it. After a long day at work I’d like to unwind and play some WoW but instead I get a 235min queue with 9980 people ahead that will end an hour before I head to bed, if the timer doesn’t increase, since I have work the following day.

I’d also recommend they lock the server.


Because then Blizz will have to admit that theyre wrong a week after saying “You do but you don’t” again. Theyll wait until 3 weeks after release when the goose’s been cooked and eaten until they do what the players ask.

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4 hour queue …so fun…sick game blizz

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This makes sense so of course Blizzard won’t consider it. If those servers were dying you can bet no one would mind being merged one bit.

The fact that Blizzard won’t merge servers is the entire reason for this mess.