70 pvp gear worth it for lvling?

I know you love to argue but I don’t. I put correct information and you disputed it. You are wrong. So I replied to YOU letting you know you are wrong.

Wearing good gear gives you the best honor and I know you aren’t well versed on this topic. BiS PvP gear which is Brutal gear will give you far more honor which I will highlight below.

You did it wrong plain and simple wasting your time. I do have an old AV honor thread I’ll have to try and dig up that explains how honor works but let me briefly explain it to you.

I bet you were in greens and ran to the boss huh? Which gives you no honor and is a waste of time. The main sources of honor in PvP are KB’s, objectives, wins.

In AV 3 towers > win
3 KB’s (Solo kills) > 1 tower

KB’s are (killing blows) aka (Solo Kills) these reward by far the most honor in PvP and in order to get them you better have on Brutal gear. This is also why people get mad when you snipe their kill because it divides their honor in half.

If you are doing AV you should be in brutal gear and going mid to secure kills and back cap towers. Even if the other team zergs the boss you still will get more honor in the loss. If the other team wipes and you get 3 towers and a bunch of KB’s your golden.

As for HK’s they are negligible honor (2pts) This means you were in an area of PvP got an HK but didn’t contribute. Which is what you did a lot of while leveling instead of PvPing.

In PvP you want solo KB’s you get full credit and each person that hits that target divides the honor. Now you know.

I have no reason to lie. I only am trying to provide helpful information which I have highlighted above to let people have effective fun leveling experience and be ready for level 80.

It’s not my fault you don’t know how honor or PvP works. Maybe next time you will do things differently as I highlighted above instead of wasting time. Again I did 95% PvE to level from 70-80. I was in full Brutal gear. I honor capped a few times. I had 6k gold from PvE farming.

You are being childish. I did just get back and had a great workout. :muscle:

I mean easy enough to get at 71 in wtg but think the looms give 20% exp which is invaluable.

This is you just not understanding how PvP in WoW works entirely.

If you’re in a group with someone in range the honor from a kill is split by default.
Killing Blows have nothing to do with honor, the honor comes from the Honorable Kill. If it was KBs like you said then people just wouldn’t PvP as healers or classes that don’t have an execute.
If 2 people are in a group near each other, 1 is AFK and the other does all the damage and KBs the enemy, they both get the same honor.

What you said only applies to world PvP with someone that isn’t in your group. Or technically Wintergrasp since it’s 3 different raid groups.

I do but perhaps I didn’t explain it in a sentence clear enough.

If you get a solo kill you will get 128 honor. You will have 1 KB from that. A solo kill is the most honor which is also a KB.

If someone else attacks that target it’s divided. I know that the actual KB isn’t rewarding honor. Who kills the target doesn’t matter. However if you are farming kills solo you will have KBs (most honor)

When I talk about KB’s I’m mostly talking about solo kills. Sorry for the confusion there.

You will want on Brutal gemmed enchanted gear in order to PvP because the best honor comes from PvP.

It doesn’t matter if someone else attacks them. It matters on proximity.
Someone can follow you around and do literally nothing all game and leech off your KBs, you’ll get the same honor.

But yes if you go off solo you’re likely to split the honor with less people in turn resulting in more honor.

You are saying the same thing as me in a round about way and don’t desire to go more into unneeded detail in this thread :rofl: :weary:

Just trying to make a few things clear and hope the OP and anyone else has a better, more effective leveling experience so they can own it up at 80. If you are PvPing all weekend and not honor capped you did something terribly wrong. It’s very easy to honor cap from 78-80 just with WG.

The top level 70 honor gear isn’t replaced until around 77-78, making it good on paper, but the time you’d spend getting the honor could have been spent leveling. The real question is whether you want to enjoy lower level BGs first, or go straight to 80.

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