Oh my, I love it lol.
The only rated BG that is any good on is Deepwind as on Deepwind a fury war can cap market before anyone can contest. Using it on an actual flag map, while hilarious and funny because you look like a giant armored bunny, is not really great.
The best part about this is that it isn’t a bug. This was intended. Lmao.
This is absolutely amazing! I love it.
Why wouldn’t it? A paladin with the steed legendary + night fae coveant can do the same thing and be a viable spec.
This isn’t new, and even with just 2x leap it’s already great for randoms.
However, Fury is complete paper in PvP, it feels squishier than any other spec I’ve leveled so far. I can only play it with a stock of third wind potions, healthstones and my kyrian pot up. On that kyrian note, a simple spear of bastion or stun breaks this pretty hard. Root/snare can be denied with Bloodrage.
A sub rogue gets my war instantly down to 40% hp in the opener alone.
And that’s on leveling BGs (50-59). I bet they just explode when touched by anything at 60.
But I don’t care about this xpac’s level cap pvp anymore. Way too broken, in many ways.
Keep dreaming.
The fast cap doesn’t really matter when you have a practically useless spec on your team that contributes nothing. You’ll get a minute or two extra during the team fight with the node, but if that fury warrior isn’t dead within seconds due to it’s utter lack of defensive CDs, your team is awful.
Tank demon hunters are also capable of similar plays with team support on maps like Gilneas.
It clearly is intended. Its also not OP at all because a lone fury warrior can get melted in seconds by any decent DPS. This is a gimmick and if you’re in a team that loses to this then I hate to say it but you all need to git gud.
banned you when you are in some BG capture flag type warsong gulch.
it’s unfortunate that we don’t have a pvp talent to match this.
Or we would be flame turrets like in Starcraft 2.
by the way the song falls well to be a mountebank or juggler
OP looks to be like about whenever priests used to grip the FC across the field.
if i remember correctly it did clip with the end of the tunnel so they had to get to the end of the tunnel at least but after that 2 max range grips and your at your own base tunnel in less then 3 seconds
Realistically the last time I tried it this expansion my team was ~2300 MMR so not top tier but high enough that coordination and focusing are a thing. Getting the free market meant that, yes he did die, but we sent him to a base, had him swap off with the DH and they could not cap mid even after basically winning round 1 of the fight, which meant we came in on round 2 and stomped them out of it and then it was just defend the off nodes which is easy.
We were considering having me do that, but … it’s really just not worth it. (My CR is low on my main, but I was playing at 2400 MMR. I can dig the caps if needed.)
You can have your demon hunter do it, with you as arms brining MS and Bladestorm rather than mediocre cleave damage.
Also, if you sent a fury warrior to a base, any decent rogue could absolutely destroy them, so I’d assume you were double sitting? If so, I can see how that works. It’s abusing a niche and works, but there’s better things you could be doing.
we’re just that good
This isn’t even OP it just looks cool. List of things that easily counter this: Being at the enemy base, being in a position that interrupts the EFC’s path. Rogue with their plethora of stuns. A DK with death grip, any type of snare, a hunter with a frost trap. There is plenty of cc to easily put an end to it. And with a variety of classes, you should be able to indeed easily counter it.