6x heroic leap warrior carrying flags in bg

people in this thread really acting like this is some giga OP build that needs nerfs lol

you’ve been able to do this since legion and on top of that it’s not even good

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cute video.

I don’t see bug here, everyone should get army of bear, it is Russian way.

I bet he didn’t even have to grind out that blue bear skin either did he?

SL might be better once it’s out of Beta.

brb making a warrior :open_mouth:

haha that looks like so much fun!

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Blizzard stopped caring about balance long ago and its very clear.

I mean, this is competitive content…right?

Im sorry…whats the range on this stun we are supposed to use?

How exactly do you know where hes landing to use it?

Its not a solution that works…

It’ll make for some fun play in random.

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This is going to be nerfed so hard soon, enjoy/hate it while it lasts.

Not really.

Vengeance DH is still better in terms of FCing due to debuff.

Fury isn’t even in top tier for Rated BGs.

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They are fine. Maybe it’s you

This is about as dumb as the JAILER omg

Yall are asking if this got beta tested or not when it’s intended design lmao

This. tenchar

Honestly, what are these people complaining about? Why are you incapable of picking up their flag to prevent cap and then exploding the fury in a millisecond?

Member when VDH charge and leap weren’t sharing cooldowns

I saw this in an BG, both sides just had the warrior do this, outpace healers even on their mounts and get demolished by 1-2 DPS with no heals.

lol, that was awesome.

Kangaroo warriors are back :sunglasses:

Wish I could get Horde groups like that in my battlegrounds. Feels like the only thing I ever see are people hitting over 2100 lol.