6x heroic leap warrior carrying flags in bg

…you do realize you can just stun him, right?

Like, do none of you guys actually do battlegrounds? At any sort of actual rating? Or are you guys just crying about unrated PvP and not being able to press a single CC?

This isn’t a tank.
Fury dies extremely quickly as they actually don’t have real defensive CDs. I’ve been sniping people trying to dothis on and off all week because they saw some “sick strat” in a PvP video, and don’t realize it’s staged.

What’s next, we’re going to complain about BM hunters because their pet chased you across the map and killed you?

It was.
It wasn’t viable then either, but people cried about it whenever some dude did it in an unranked battleground.


it’s funny and it might work at lower ranks but once you reach ~1800 that fury will die before it gets near his team. even if the fury somehow manages to survive and pass the flag to the tank, the enemy team will be team fighting at -1 because fury is trash in pvp and basically useless with that leggo.

edit: to top it off, it only works in flag maps so 2 out of 3 times the fury won’t be useful at all.


The only actual viable thing fury can do is build into a one-shot.

And at that point you just bring a ret.


You mean getting one shot right? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You do realize that Marksmanship hunters don’t have a stun right? And that the BM/Surv stun is reliant on the pet getting into melee range.

Scatter shot has a 20 yard range.

So even if I manage to hit them with concussive shot, because they can literally leap 6 times, they’re still far out of range before I can even get close enough to do anything.

“But trap them”… right… just predict exactly where they are going to land, hope I am in range, and that my trap gets there 1st.


does HL break roots? Binding shot, harpoon, tracker’s net?

Fury warrior gets its revenge


It might not, but

  1. You can jump 40 yards with HL.
  2. Like freezing trap it’s ground targeted so you have to predict where they are going to land.
  3. Even if you do predict where they are going to land, it doesn’t prevent them from leaping again, it just roots them in place where they land.
  4. From what I’ve seen in SL BGs, root abilities prevent you only from moving via the keyboard or mouse, they don’t prevent you from using moving abilities like blink or the soulshape blink.
  5. Even if it doesn’t work like blink with roots a smart warrior once caught by the binding shot, would bladestorm out of it and continue on their way like nothing every happened.

This is literally the only thing fury is good at, give my boys a break :frowning:


Says the other class that can just about do the same thing.

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Oh that’s just brilliant! I have a new goal for my warrior apparently.

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Actually DH is great for base sitting, flag carrying, and m+. Not really like a fury at all…

I mean the fact that DHs can jump across the middle of WSG with almost as much ease as Fury warriors.

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I assume you haven’t really played a lot of RBG if you think DH can just freely move across the field as we please. We have to stay with our healers 24/7 or we die and we also only have 2 jumps that don’t even do half of 6 HL.

You’re missing my point. Regardless of how well you’d survive once the other team finally catches up, can you deny that being able to jump 240 yards, or 80 yards + 2 fel rushes, so something like 100 yards, in just a handful of seconds doesn’t put you far out of range of even MM hunters who have the longest possible attack range out of anyone?

Have you seen vengeance Demon Hunters? They did this crap all throughout BFA (and can still do it) and they didn’t need to have a specific legendary to do it. Plus they are a tank and not a squishy dps.

Most teams won’t let you get away since they have more than 10 IQ and know to slow, cc, and do anything they can to keep you there. If you run ahead at all then 9/10 you will die at 1500+ rating.

No it does not

Lol if anyone here thinks that this is actually broken … you don’t play fury clearly.
This is one of their more useful legendarys and atm it’s very easy to shutdown a fury warrior.
If you can’t you are bad. If anything with the legendary tuning coming up they should add to it and make it so 3 seconds after you leap you can’t be CC

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So that’s a no then, you can’t deny it.

Who cares if mid and high rated teams ‘won’t let you do it’. It can be done.


So what happens to your team? You say you have to stay with your team, but you make it sound like if you run ahead of them, they’ll stop following and allow the enemy team to chase you down unopposed.