About Us:
is a well-established guild founded by an experienced leadership team, dedicated to fostering a community for high-end progression and content optimization. We take pride in our thriving community and impressive endgame achievements. Our current objectives include achieving Mythic Cutting Edge and pushing Mythic+ content…
As a goal-oriented guild, we’re eager to bring in more like-minded members who share our ambition. Our aim is to support every member in reaching their personal goals. We provide a reliable Loot Council system for items to ensure they go to the correct class and role to push endgame content.
While we don’t expect perfection, we do require a high level of class mastery, encounter knowledge, and mechanical execution. This includes thorough preparation with appropriate gear, consumables, and research. We also value versatility, so players who can effectively fill multiple roles are highly regarded.
Respect for others’ time is crucial. While we believe in having fun, progression demands focus and effective time management. Our endgame schedule requires players to be fully prepared and engaged during events to maximize our collective performance.
We understand that mistakes are a part of the process, but we expect players to quickly adapt and learn from errors. We emphasize teamwork and encourage openness to constructive feedback. If you encounter issues with strategy or other players, we urge you to bring them to the attention of leadership.
Nerub-ar Palace: 8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace: 6/8 M
Raid Times:
Wednesday: 7:30 PM EST - 10:30 PM EST
Thursday: 7:30 PM EST - 10:30 PM EST
Saturday: 7:30 - 10:30 PM EST*
*Optional Alt raid.
Recruitment Needs:
DPS: High
Healers: High
Tanks: Low
- Treat everyone with respect, both within the guild and in the broader gaming community.
- Value members’ time and efforts, especially during raids.
- Be adaptable, maintain a positive attitude and embrace constructive feedback to address mistakes to help refine strategies.
- Communicate effectively through Discord, which is required for participation.
- Stay motivated to improve: analyze logs, refine your performance and actively contribute to the guild’s success…
How to Join:
You can reach out to one of our officers in-game, Bnet or via Discord.
GM: Forcefaith | Discord: force9014
Officer: Nivera | Discord: goblinsmithy | Bnet: GoblinSmithy#1769
Officer: Steinlick | Discord: needabrezjordan | Bnet: selorkie#11481