[H] Few Players looking For A New Home

A few friends and I are in the market for a new home come SL. I was previously the GM of a guild for 12 years stretching from WotLK through the entirety of BFA. With a heavy heart, what I once started, I also decided to close. 12 years is a long time and I/we’re ready to hopefully contribute to someone else’s team.

So let me start by presenting some useful information:

The number of people looking to raid is roughly 4 including myself.

That make up would look something like this: Warlock, Mage x2 (or Mage x1 and Ret x1), Boomy

Nothing set in stone as some people are eager to try out the class changes come pre-patch.

In addition to the above mentioned people, some folks are just looking to follow me and find a home. They could care less about being on a raid team. This could be anywhere from1 to 4 people. Essentially Friends & Family type players.

Below would be an ideal situation and specifically what we’re looking for:

1. Must be Horde. Alliance is out of the question.

2. Raid times/days would be some (2 day) combination of M/T/W/Th within the 8-11 “PST” time zone. Flexibility on this at most would be 30 min in either direction. No Weekends (Fr/Sat/Sun)

3. Progression would be AotC with preferably a handful of Mythic. We’d be completely happy with the first few bosses of a raid. Anything past that if it happens great, if it doesn’t, no problem. Just a desire to at a minimum to try and push further instead of farming AotC ad nauseam.

4. Social environment is really important. We love to joke and have fun, but finding a home free of politics, discrimination’s, and d o u c h e canoes would be fantastic.

That’s essentially it. Any guild recruiting us would be getting veteran players who are here to contribute and be a productive member to the team, and down some internet monsters with friends.

Please contact Mel#1879 or Baffels#1252
Or simply leave a response here, and we will be in touch.

Thanks for taking the time to read.


Hey Mel.

I won’t pitch us, mostly because we’re Alliance, but I just wanted to pop in and wish you guys the best. Closing a guild that you’ve led that long is incredibly hard - sometimes a relief - but very, very hard. You guys take care of yourselves, yeah?

Good luck on your journey, and I really hope you guys find what you are looking for. You deserve it.

If you ever need a home for Alliance toons, feel free to ping me. :slight_smile:

It’s a shame you guys can’t start at 7 PST, I think we would be a perfect fit. I’ll leave my info below for you though, and if your circumstances change, please add me at Rawrabear#1450.

Thanks for the kind words Naviri. Good luck in your adventures as well.

Our guild is on Wrymrest. We are older aged players. We are very laid back. When we do raid it is on Saturdays at 1pm server. Everyone has a life that comes first. We run mythics together and have a lot of fun doing what ever we get up to.

Greetings Stranger’s I am Guild Master Renraghogar of Midnight Rose. I am Seeking New & Old or Returning to the Land of Azeroth. To join use in Midnight Rose while we Raise our Banner of the Midnight Rose. To strike out in Raid or simply Dungeon and don’t forget our time slaughtering our Enemies in BattleGrounds and Arenas for Glory and simple fun as we enjoy the Game what we love.

–What we are looking for–

Casual players, and or new and experienced Raiders/PvP focus Player’s. You do not need any previous experience to join this guild as It is a fresh opportunity for everyone involved. All we ask is you learn how to play your class inside and out. As far as completing: dungeons, quests, and raid bosses. We will help you do that as long as you are able to listen and learn. We expect everyone to be treated equally and fair as we wish to keep a welcoming guild for all new and experienced players!

–For Raider’s–

All raiders are required to keep their raiding characters prepared. By joining our guild as a raider team, you agree to maintain your characters gear and come prepared for your class and spec to raid. Be reminded that, we all make mistakes but that is alright as long as we are improving! We are here to have some fun as a guild but, we must keep a serious attitude for Raiders. Simply put, the goal of every tier will be to push as far into Mythic raiding as we can. We also offer casual, social aspects of the game throughout our guild.

Outside of Raid Days/Nights, we will be organizing regular old school raid events and achievement runs, Dungeons runs, questing, PVP events and learner raids for all new members not currently scheduled.

–Raid Time’s–

(possible weekday raid TBD)

Saturday 9 pm Realm time (currently determining if later would work better for everyone)

Sunday 9 pm Realm time (currently determining if later would work better for everyone)

–Requirement to join–

*Any age simply got to be mature and don’t cause drama unless everyone is aware its for jolly time.

*For Raider’s & PvP player’s to join our Discord (no broken mic)

*If not already on AREA-52(US) you must transfer

*Must Download and maintain required add-ons

**Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs

–Recruitment Seeking–





Guild Master/Warlord: discord-Spiritouspath#9016-btag-Spiritouspat#1550

Hey there Melodious, we are looking for more range/healers for our team. We are building a team for Shadowlands. We raid Thurs: 9pm to 1130pm EST and Friday: 9pm to 1230pm EST. If this interest you head over to our website https ://faceroll.org (Delete the space between https and ://)


Thanks for the responses here and also in game.

@ Fenrirulv – Thanks for the reply. Your guild sounds like what we’re ultimately looking for. But unfortunately 7 PST would be very difficult. Literally 30 minutes later and we may be having a different discussion. good luck with your recruiting.

@ Meganire, Renraghogar, Afraid – I tried to update the original post to be even more clear, but weekends are completely out of the question.

In the meantime, we appreciate the interest thus far, and are still looking for a new home.