6/10M XP Hpriest/Healer

With the release of TBC Classic my guild has fallen apart so I’m looking to find a team with an available healer spot, preferably holy priest (can play disc, would rather not as I hate it). I do have a geared Hpal as well, but priest is my first love. Prior to losing half the roster we were working on Council with some decent pulls.

I’m looking for a guild in need of a full time healer on their roster, not just someone looking to pad their bench or start a second raid team. I have multiple expansions worth of top tier raiding and CEs however due to my RL schedule I’m not looking for something hardcore. Progression in a timely and organized manner, with the goal for CE in 9.1 and beyond is preferred. A guild active in M+ and outside raid is a huge bonus.

Available: Mon-Thurs 8:30pm-12:00am EST (possibly a bit of wiggle room on the times)

Leave your information and I will be in contact. Thank you.

on slg atm

[H][US] [Lethon] 8/10 M We raid Thursday and Monday 9PM - 12PM EST. We provide Combat pots, flasks and feasts throughout raid time. We will pay for sever transfers. Looking for healers and range dps. PM Discord Zeroes#8856 or in game Zeroes#1791

Hey there, you could be a good fit for Retirement Sanctuary. We’re a 3 day guild currently working on Mythic SLG. Raid times are T/W/Th, 7:30 - 10:30 PST. (A bit later than midnight EST)

If you’re interested fill out the application and reach out on discord:

My Discord tag: otou#7657

We are Inexorable Brutality[7/10M] Currently recruiting committed raiders to push back into CE, we achieved Cutting Edge in Nyalotha as a part of our former guild that we split from going into Shadowlands and are nearing Cutting Edge again this tier with goals of future also reaching CE in further tiers. We are seeking exceptional and dedicated raiders to commit to the team while also having fun together as a team. We are located on Emerald Dream[Alliance] and raid Wednesday/Friday 8-11 server/central.
Discord: Merker#0172.

Hello Amilaya!

[Evening Shift] is recruiting for our raid groups!

Current Schedule Below

Weekday Raids:

Team Frenzy: 10/10H, 7/10M Castle Nathria (9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tues/Weds)

Off Night Raids:

Off Night Normal Friday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST
Off Night Heroic Monday 9:00pm - 12:00pm EST


Thurs/Friday 11:00pm - 2:00am

Server: US-Thrall High Pop PVE

Faction: Horde

About Us: We’re a group of mostly previous CE raiders returning that have acquired multiple realm firsts back in ICC. At peak we had 8 25 man groups going at any given time. Everyone raids based on their performance. It prevents carries and slackers from dragging the progression down. No politics, no favorites, everyone understands how they can succeed. Our goal this tier is CE for all raid teams and pushing for realm first next tier.

Recruiting Needs:

Melee DPS - Flex player with Off Tank spec

Ranged DPS - Flex player with Off Tank spec

Heals - Rshammy | Hpally | Rdruid

Tank - Warrior | DH | Druid

M+ Runners - ALL

Minimum Reqs: 210 Ilvl, 10/10H

As always though looking for highly skilled players of any class feel free to drop an add at one of the following

Interested? Bnet: Destro#1898 Discord: Destro#9040


https://guildsofwow.com/eveningshift 13