Gong Ringing Soon on Some Realms

I mean, streamer priviledge is blantantly a thing and has been for some time.

They care more about a streamers (big ones) than individual normal players.


Guild holding Anachronos hostage so Red Scepter Shards will expire and guilds other than them will all be unable to finish their quest.

EDIT: Horde adventurers have put an end to this dastardly guild and have allowed the Gong to be rung

Guild griefing Anachronos to prevent turning in quest on Netherwind.

If you were indifferent you wouldn’t be so mad

I’ve never donated to any streamer. But streamers making a career out of playing games has you frothing at the mouth apparently.

It doesnt need to. The writing is on the wall. I guarantee you that you will not see a single streamer featured by blizzard or any of their raid members ported out of the zone due to population caps.


Currently watching along on Earthfury:


Wow the plug for the streamer!

Gotta love that free labor

And he’s dogging you guys too

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Of course there is steamer favoritism lol they literally pay a sub to advertise the game to their monetized audience. It’s like two business partners making money together. I don’t watch streams btw I rather play the game.

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Lol, why would Blizzard pay him?

Its free for them

They do no work, just post a link to someone else.

Too bad about their “quality” work is showing.

Blizzard don’t pay them. They just give them legendary loot.


Bro, I wish they’d pay me :~(

Hey, Kaivax.

I’m in one of the guild’s that are ready to ring the gong, but from what it looks like the realm is not ready!!!

The NPCs in orgrimmar still say less than 1 day until the supplies are delivered, which is counter to the time at which we completed war effort, and counter to the realm time when the gong would be available.

Earthfury needs help from blizzard!! Gong unbangable!!!

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I didn’t say blizzard pay streamers lol I said streamers pay a sub and get paid from their audience.

I’ve never gotten paid bro :~( I wish Bro :frowning:

Thanks for plugging my stream Kaivax! Our gong isn’t ringable though at the moment! Any ideas or updates?

truely the classic vanilla experience!

not gonna lie, currently having a good chuckle that the featured streamer is on a server with a bugged gong that cant even be rung. :joy: :joy:

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buckslice #1 gong streamer

but is he sponsored by blizzard?

@Kaivax, any word on why Earthfury gong can’t be rung yet ?