60 warrior lf morning or midday eastern

lf raiding guild that raids between 8am-12pm eastern or 6pm-10pm eastern time :}

Defend Azeroth, Enlist Now in Knightmare! Mc n Ony on Farm! starting BWL! enlisting DPS Warriors and Rogues! We’ve been around since 1996, been playing since vanilla… We’re a stable bunch who like to have fun raiding and doing dungeons during the day.

Raid Schedule is Saturday @ 7:30 PM EST
DKP Loot System

if your interested reply here or discord me @ Vinny#5924 or in game - Vinny (Pagle)

DO IT LIVE - Horde, Pagle, raiding at 9:30am - 1:30pm EST Wed/Thurs.

We still have limited spots available for our core raid team going into BWL next week. Currently clearing all the existing content.

Reach out to someone on the server or preferably via discord:

Officer: jbayz#3836 (discord)

Officer: DrRelik#0509 (discord)