60 ilvl of titanforging? Seriously?

Well this post didnt age well, what with how wrong you were and all. And how right I was.

  • Emissary rewards for Azerite Armor will now drop at a maximum of ilvl 400 (was ilvl 385).

So you necro’d a 2 month old thread to say I told you so ? There must be something wrong with me I rarely remember discussions on here the next day.

You got absurdly lucky is what happened. The highest titanforge I’ve gotten this expansion has been +15, and I’ve only gotten a total of two.

If there was such a thing as normalized RNG/bad luck protection for titanforging, maybe you’d have a point. Generally speaking the lolrandom +forging system needs a scrapping and complete redesign. The way it works now is lazy, unimaginative, and extremely frustrating.

I just happen to remember arguments. I still get pissed about arguments I had with my friends years ago.

I guess it sucks remember the ones you lost.

Im usually right. If not, Ill just wait a year or two til I am:)

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Forum’s last post was almost a year ago, my dude.

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Why on earth did you necro this?