60 Hunter + 2 Alts LF HC Guild all 99+ Parses

Hello all,

Currently looking to hard in a HC guild that requires alts. My main is a hunter full t1/t2 all 99 parses in current raids.

I also want the guild to require alt raiding I have a geared 60 mage as well as a pretty decent rogue. I am ready to transfer ever post here and we can talk and ill share my logs and whatever else is needed.

Check out invoke

Bump, any HC guilds recruiting out there?

Mind Games on skeram is recruiting all dps classes. Have 3 raid groups all clearing BWL/Mc/ONY in under 2 1/2 hours and BWL in under 40 minutes. Feel free to add me on discord if interested Jimbai#3231

someshti message me on disc my disc is eshteban#7906

Bump still looking for a horde HC guild and raid on 2 or all 3 of my toons