Some patience is needed. It’s a lot easier for Blizzard to use stealth fixes to solve queue dodging and premades than it is for them to fix a map imbalance.
Blizzard is likely going to change the map at some point to provide better balance (well better than 99% horde wins), but it will require a big patch and it’s not the kind of thing they can just sneak in at midnight.
Blizzard isn’t going to fix the map. They’re not funded to do so. What they want is retail people to buy their next expansion and stop playing classic.
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I will not complain about the changes. If it was bothering horde to SOMETIMES loose to ally because of premades, i guess those changes are fair.
But how about blizzard put the same effort into Anti-AFK for ally? we have 10 AFK players EVERY MATCH unless its a premade.
So how will blizzard solve our problem?
the game just isnt fun right now unless in mc, which is only an hour.
Maybe classic just isn’t the game for you?
This scuffed version? You’re right. Maybe not.
maybee they can fix AV while they are fixing the faire
If you have the money for consumes I’d say WSG premades are your best bet now. Hit up BRD and pickpocket like you never have before. AV isn’t good honor for Alliance these days. I think a lot of the frustration is people “wanting” AV to be good for their faction…it’s just not for Alliance now.
If we get solid participation, then we rack up lots of HKs. A small team can work in LTs, if they want. It won’t be a win, but I’ve racked up 200 HKs with well over 2k bonus honor in a single AV (that’s the best loss I can recall.)
I think our problem is not that we want AV to favor our faction. We want a situation where one faction having a 99% winrate is not possible.
I don’t think anyone honestly believes the horde is 99 times better than the alliance at PvP. The win/loss would probably still favor the horde in an ideal world, but this is extremely broken.
Pickpockets mobs in BRD.
Gives a fair amount of gold.
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“Other people have purely more time than me” *
Fixed that for you.
retail has the best wow bgs classic wow bgs are bad.
I finally got a AV win on my 25th pug attempt. I got the bloodseeker for my hunter alt at lvl 51. Not stepping into another AV again lol. Glad I got my pally to exalted before the changes.
I stopped playing or queing, I’ll level an alt see if thats fun again and if not im done until AQ / TBC.
I wanted to compete but this is not competition its masochism.
thats a good thing and there is a cunquest grind for heroic raid ilvl gear.if you dont raid mythic you dont need mythic ilvl gear.
you cant have it both ways classic wow is better pve then retail and worse with premade bgs.
It’s how I could afford my mount at 60. I always cry a little inside when I see another rogue making complaints of being broke.