6 HOUR between battles for Ashenvales?

it’ll take longer as people stop doing it because once you hit revered it stops giving rep completely, not even wins give rep.

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I think it’s a little early to tell right now. I’d wager a large portion of people have grinded their way to revered and either working on alts, at work, or a combination of the two.

They may just have to reduce the necessity of how much is required to start the battle.

no blizzard increased what it takes to reach 100% and decreased ramp up time. doesn’t have much to do with who still does it


You have anything to corroborate that? Are you just use to it going quickly in the last couple weeks and are experiencing a duration of it slowing down due to lack of people doing it?

How is that? The premise to start the fight is people PvPing or killing mobs out in Ashenvale.

did you not see their post today about the new hotfixes they did?

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I see it here. I’m not sure what else they can do as I am not a dev. They outlined it will take longer during off hours, which I just said, and it’ll be a beefier duration between matches because they have to do this to ensure they aren’t starting over one another and forcing the battles on top of each layer to start over the other.

What else can they do?

not make it take 6 hours thats a bit drastic. i rather have it bug out half the time and still get rep then take 6 hours to start one and have it still bug out.

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im just waiting for SF HC to come so i can get off this discovery trash

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I think this is just a situation where they won’t win no matter what they do. Leave it alone, forums flooded with it being bugged/broke. Do something about it, forms flooded with it taking too long.

In regards to both, you still get a hefty amount of rep and you still will grind WSG rep exponentially faster than you would grinding WSG alone.

I welcome someone to do so and then see how long it takes to go from neutral to revered.


Sorry, all the streamers got to rush to exalted on day one, and everyone who was a bit slower got to get to revered on a few days. Everyone else can apparently just suck it. Also, have fun with empty layers where you’ll never get to actually do anything in the battle.


sucks for people not already revered into WSG you go

Literally all they need to do is put it on a timer so the event automatically begins after every x amount of time.

So kind of like Wintergrasp. Sounds like a good fix. What happens if their timers line up?

I don’t think I quite follow, what do you mean?

One of the problems they experienced from before is, that due to the layering, if multiple BfA’s started it caused issues with shifting the layers/players into one causing the resets/bugs.

So if the layers still exist, and BfA timers began starting near each other, would that not cause the same issue?

Actually fix it.

It’s my understanding that forced shifting can’t happen anymore after the latest fix. The only real downside I can think of with the timer is that you might get some BfA events pop with very low player counts in the local layer, but to me that seems vastly preferable over not getting the event to pop at all during off hours.

Oh well problem solved. Gee golly, why didn’t they think of that.

They did.

But they decided it would be difficult.

So they chose to break it further, instead.

G Linda you been doing so well, don’t you start getting short with them now!

Bah dum tsst. :smiley: