6/9m Healzor lf Guild

Guild: Heroes and Legends
Server: US-Stormrage

Raid Times/Days: Sunday/Monday/Wednesday 9:00pm to 12:00 am EST

Current Progression: 6/9M, 9/9H

Recruitment Contacts: Bnet = TheBlob#1740, Seize#1869

Heroes and Legends was founded at the start of BFA by a core of former hardcore raiders that have once again decided to pursue Mythic Raiding. We were able to obtain 6/8M in Uldir in our first tier of raiding together and are looking to push for CE hard this tier.

Our guild has multiple mythic + teams. We regularly run Mythic + on off nights and hang out in discord playing other games together. Consumables are provided by the guild including a 2k daily repair allowance for raiders.


All raiders are expected to have researched Boss strategies prior to raid nights.

Addon requirements: Angry Assignments, Weak Auras, RCLootCouncil, DBM/Big Wigs.

80% attendance or better and notifying an officer if a raid will be missed

We run loot council on non needed loot (you keep your personal loot and decide if you want to put it up for the officers to give to someone else in the group) making RCLootCouncil as previously mentioned, a must have addon. Loot is distributed on a merit based system accounting for player performance, attendance, reliability etc. We often times will discuss awards with the guild during raid if there are differing opinions on the council.

Help with sales! We regularly run heroics/mythic 10+ to make the guild and ourselves some coin.

Be social! Our guild loves to hang out in discord with each other beyond just playing WoW. A lot of us play other games together (League of Legends, Ring of Elysium, Battlefield etc). Most of our recruits that have done well put forth an effort to socialize with members. It’s always better to raid with friends than strangers :slight_smile:

<Everything is Fine> (Whisperwind-Alliance) is a 2 night raiding guild comprised of competitive yet passionate raiders. If you are looking for a guild that is tight-knit, supportive, yet competitive and skilled on a light schedule, we believe <EiF> might be the place for you.

Raid Times:
Tuesday: 8:00-11:30 PM EST
Wednesday: 8:00-11:30 PM EST
Monday/Friday (optional): 8:00 PM EST

Nighthold: 10/10M CE
Tomb of Sargeras: 8/9M
Antorus the Burning Throne: 11/11M CE
Uldir: 8/8M CE
BoD:6/9M with 17% pull on mekka
High Priority: Ranged dps, as well as all outstanding players.
Application: www.guilded.gg/#!AdNRgNB7jd

OR /who on US-Whisperwind and ask for recruitment officers

<Disturbed> - Zul’jin - 3 nights/week - Semi-Hardcore
Progression: Mythic (7/9) Heroic (9/9)

Disturbed is a Semi-Hardcore Guild. We finished 330 in US and 15 on the server in Legion. We are an active guild who runs a ton of mythic plus throughout the week and weekend. Looking to fill a couple spots on the roster that have opened up.

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Thursday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Monday - 8:00 PM EST - 11:00 PM EST
Optional Raid Day (Heroic Clear) - Tuesday 8:00 PM EST
Holidays will be rescheduled.

Server Information:
Chicago Datacenter
Eastern Realm Time

In-game contacts:
Potty (Nuttie#1266)

Hey buddy check us out
[A] Heroes and Legends (6/9M) on Stormrage now recruiting! Looking for exceptional DPS, a healer, and possibly a tank to dive into Mythic High Tinker Mekkatorque. Raid times are as follows: Wednesday 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM EST, Sunday 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM EST, and Monday 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM EST. We are a semi-hardcore guild looking to achieve Cutting Edge and have fun doing it. We also participate in M+ and push keys on our free time. If interested, message WanabeNinja#1572 on BNET (Raider), WannaBeNinja#4300 on discord (Raider), Blobbey#0112 on discord (Guild Master), or Taedious#8090 on discord (Officer)

Hey, not sure if you’re open to going horde. I’m an officer in Reformed on Zuljin, we’re looking to add a core healer. Hit me up on bnet if you want to talk. Gonzo#1399

Advanced Strats

Horde ~ Mal’Ganis

6/8 Mythic Uldir ~ 8/8 Heroic Uldir ~ 10/11Mythic Antorus

Raid Times:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

10:00am to 1:00pm CST (server time)


Advanced Strats is a semi-hardcore team with a unique time slot. Our goal is to continue pushing Mythic content in an attempt to secure Cutting Edge achievements. We are a tight knit group with a focus on team progression.

Check out our Discord to Apply! Message Izzy for details!


Lead: Rawtha (listen#1368)


Izzybellez (bnet: izy#1699 & discord: Izzy#5574) - recruitment

Symphony of Fire (7/9m) Stormwall to 54%
Fri/Sat 9pm-1am EST
Wed optional heroic sale runs.

Recruitment needs

High priority for Spriest and Disc Priest as well as a tank who is proficient at a DPS offspec

Other needs:

| Monk (Mistweaver) | high
| Druid (balance) | high
| Shaman (healer) | high
| Monk (tank) | high
| Priest (dd) | high
| Warlock | high
| Holy Paladin | high
| Disc Priest | high
Being able to multi-class is a huge plus but NOT a requirement.
Quality applicants will ALWAYS be considered regardless of spec/class.

Read all about us on wowprogress

wowprogress. com/guild/us/area-52/Symphony+of+Fire

Application link is on wowprogress. Application is required
We got cutting edge Argus as well as a us 329 mythic Ghuun kill.

Alpacapacino#1811 (Gm/Raid Leader)
Phazed#1409 (Co Gm)
LordKneezus#11958 (MT/General Recruitment)
Sama#1244 (Healing Officer)
Wilsonz312#1623 (Ranged Dps Officer)
Mangovodka#1478 (Melee Dps Officer)