Hello. <Speakeasy> is a 7 hour weekend guild that has been raiding for over 2 years. If you’re on an early shift during the weekdays, have a family, have school, or don’t have a weekend life: this is the place for you.

We raid 2 nights a week.

Friday: 9:00pm - 12:30am EST
Saturday: 9:00pm - 12:30am EST

Current recruiting needs:
Looking for warlock, boomkin, and a HEALER of any variety. ANY class or spec is encouraged to apply if you’re a great player with logs to back it up.

What we expect from you:
-Previous mythic experience.
-Have a mic and use it.
-Maintain superb attendance.
-A positive attitude that puts the guild before personal glory.

What you can expect from us:
-Short but efficient raid schedule.
-Strong but healthy competition.
-A friendly but serious raid team that wants to push mythic progression.
-We provide all flasks, food, enchants, and repairs during prog.

Contact: Btag and Discord: Ztop#1564 or
Btag: Killamgoro#1131
Feel free to get in touch with any further questions.

10 characters required

Still lookin for DPS and solid tank apps. Specifically hunters, warriors, warlocks!

Must be down to overthrow the current regime.

9/9H and stuff who cares let’s do mythic

Hunter, DK, Warrior, Warlock, Spriest. Who’s got one?!

Recruit a demon hunter so I can sit when I want to.

3/9M also 6 extra characters because of requirements.

Looking for people to overthrow the current regime

Looking for a warlock, boomkin, and a healer of ANY variety!

5/9M and 6 extra chacters

Being able to see colors would be ideal cause who calls Mekkatorque “wrench, screw, lugs” what?

still looking for people. no robots.

They got that good good

need some lumberjacks for these logs

Ability to see color greatly appreciated.

10 chars ja

just “hek hek hek” apparently causes an error

We’re in STRONG need of healers except resto druids.

Ability to dispel while dodging megaman appreciated.