Our current progression is slightly behind yours, but it is just a matter of finding a few more talented DPS to round out our core as we have just returned from a hiatus during BFA.
<Second Attempt> of Sargeras might be an option for you. We returned to the game not only as a guild, but as a gaming organization after attending BlizzCon 2017 during the holidays in prep for Battle for Azeroth. We are looking to add additional exceptional players to our roster for BFA and future content!
Our basic information:
Notable Progression Achievements are:
Top world 70 guild for most of Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King
Realm First! Illidan Stormrage
Realm First! Kil’Jaeden
Realm First! Obsidian Slayer
Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas
Realm First! Magic Seeker
Realm First! Lei Shen
Realm First! Ra-den
Disclaimer: <Second Attempt> is currently transitioning beyond just a competitive World of Warcraft guild and into a gaming organization. We will be harboring a streaming team, competitive teams in Fortnite, PuBG, HoTS, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, and many other games. With that said, we are still looking to maintain our competitive presence, especially in the late night scene of World of Warcraft and will be attending BlizzCon as a guild and gaming organization presence!
You can gather more information about us on our recruit post https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20766746673#1
Add Indofear#1324, Broseidon#11698, or Rose#14195 to Battletag if you have any further questions. If you have no further questions, apply on our website