55 or older?

I am totally down with this guild idea. I have been looking for a “mature” guild for awhile. Been playing since AQ opened! Lets do this…please. If anyone decides to take it on, I am MoonDancer1990 (not birth year, just suggested number when I created this!).

Going to be 62 on the 22nd.
Have to go use my phone that has the rotary dial on it.


Yes got the invite… I’m sitting in discord now. need to know Server for our guild… thanks

Can’t seem to do anything in Horde tough discord. don’t see any member on or be able the send messages … is server set up fully ?

Well said, well said!

Chuck Norris played wow before it was even created.

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66 Here as well… I loved Zork, and all the Infocom text adventures.

Remember Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards? Sierra Online? Kings Quest!!!


I love a challenge!!

im 46, retired military…

IM thinkin of doing a guild called " old shoes"

cause why not…

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You forgot to mention knitting a quilt.

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I’m getting up there too. It will be so nice to go back to better times in the world (of warcraft).

My first game was Pong at the hang-out/watering hole in college for 25 cents a game. 1975 maybe. I was already 25, so I guess that makes me old enough to hang out with some of my elders and all the youngsters here. Work took me out of gaming for a while, accept for a bit of Coleco. I never played vanilla and started in WoW with the Lich King. I would love an invite though may not be the best recruit you could sign. Kyosaku#1285

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35 here, glad to see old timers still gaming :slight_smile:
Wish you luck/fun in classic

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Wearing the blue vest with a devilish smiley face on the front.

I’ll be 58 on launch day!


I am 68. I have been playing since December 2004. I like retail, and when I was in the Classic Beta, I also like that. Since I am retired, I have plenty of gaming time.

  1. First played two weeks after BC released. My 11 year old niece talked me into it. I’m trying to talk her into coming back for Classic, but being a responsible adult is time-consuming. That’s her excuse, anyway.

Horde Tough sounds like a guild I could enjoy too. Storm#11843 and I’ll be running an Orc Hunter on Myzrael as my main. I’m not set up on discord and have never used it. But I was in a couple of different guilds some years back that used Vent so I can probably figure it out.

62 ,rolling out on Remulos already reserved names. Amazing to see Boal still playing at 76 good one. I will be looking for a guild of ‘more mature’ gamers to maybe hookup. Not into rushing through any content. See you there and I wish everyone has a GREAT time.


Wow I thought I was alone with my age. Not 55 but children are same age as majority of players lol.

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