Veteran Player / 465+ Rogue LFG

I am long time player since right before BWL was released in Vanilla with experience ranging from top 50 US to server 1st to a little more casual. My raid goals are to get CE each tier; however with not getting into this expansion until Nov. and struggles with finding a solid home…it’s been rough!

I am currently looking for a solid guild to finish off BFA w/ and tackle SL with. After returning, I’ve had to play catch up but have 465+ ilvl on outlaw and sin, rank 15 cloak, 507 heart, and working on finishing off some rank 3 essences. I’m not a bad player…I just need a steady home. I have no preference on Horde or Alliance so I do not mind switching.

My raid times can be no earlier than 8:30 CST and I cannot raid Friday/Saturday night.

My experience includes:

Vanilla - all content including Naxx. My guild did stop working on C’thun to push through Naxx, but we did go back and finish AQ before TBC.

TBC - All content, 4/6 SW before nerf…6/6 SW day of nerf.

Wrath - Rogue (Sin/Combat) - all content up to ICC including server 1st Algalon kill. Right before ICC, I had finished college, married, baby on the way, and started a new job so I had to break for a while.

Cata - Protadin - all content

Mist - Rogue/WW - missed most of the expansion and came in at very end.

WoD - Rogue (Combat/Sin) - Got really burnt out during 2nd tier so took a break

Legion - Rogue (Sub) Got into expansion late, finished ToS, and during M Antorus progression. My guild broke up.

BfA - 7/8M w/ progress on G’huun (G’huun to less 5% : ( ), had to stop shortly after BoD, and have recently returned to the game, currenlty 12/12H

My contact info :
Discord - Duskmorne#9109
Battletag ID - Duskmourne#11232

Just checking in

checking once again

I understand how that feels to be looking for a home so I hope we might be what you are looking for! Virtually Impossible is an established late night guild that has been raiding together for over three expansions now. We focus on an adult friendly, socially active attitude that raids twice a week with an emphasis on clearing AOTC and Casual/Hardcore Mythic progression every content. We pride ourselves on community and that aspect has given us great success!

Here’s the need to know:
Consistent Mythic+s from 0-15+ or higher.
Casual/Hardcore raid environment focusing on Heroic/Mythic Progression.
Raid Days/Times:
Main Raid - Tues & Wed Midnight-3 EST
Sunday Funday Alt Raid - Sun Midnight-3 EST
Current progression: 12/12H moving into Mythic.

If this sounds like a potential match please reach out to me
@Aradne#11285 (Realid) or @Aradne#5473 (Discord)

Still looking