[A] [Herod] <EZ> (Late night fr/sat raiding)


8/8 BWL  | 60 min clear
10/10 MC | 50 min Clear

Founded at the launch of classic with the primary goal of clearing all content up to and including Naxxramas, EZ is committed to cultivating a team of performance-minded individuals to enjoy all classic has to offer together. With experience ranging from current retail, Vanilla/BC as well as private servers, we are a guild that comes from all iterations of WoW. We host player that parse 99s on most fights and are always trying to improve as a group and push for faster times and kills.

In need of

1 Warlock
2 Fury Warriors 
All other exceptional DPS considered

Standard class raid consumables - World buffs (We form a pre-cleared DM dungeons to simplify the process) This is includes: Dire Maul:Tribute, Ony/Nef Buff, Songflower, ZG buff (WCB for the more hardcore raiders) - 75%+ attendance

(We expect raiders to be ready 15 mins early and to post in discord if
they will be late or will have to miss raid)

Loot Council:
We measure multiple factors when handing out loot including performance, attendance, and loot history. We also employ RCLootCouncil to help manage loot tracking and loot distribution.

Raid Times:

(Fri/Sat) 11:30pm-4am EST
currently clearing: 
BWL on Friday
MC on Saturday 
Onyxia/ZG after raids