523 lock really want a strong core with consistant prog

Hey there!
If you’re interested in a morning group, here’s our info:
We don’t mind xrealm raiders, as long as you are interested in eventually joining our ranks at Lightbringer! Right now recruiting to keep our roster healthy while progressing in Aberrus, we are a super stable, small guild by design where everybody gets to know everybody, We’ve been together raiding for 10 years+!
Currently 4/9 M and pushing Rashok, on our warcraftlogs page you can check some of our past tiers: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/rankings/140757/29
Easy going, Tight-knit, Weekend morning raiding team with a great atmosphere, times are:
-Saturday from 9:00 AM to Noon Eastern time
-Sunday from 9:00 AM to Noon Eastern time
Eastern time http://time.is/ET
We have a pretty stable Mythic+ Community, pretty much everyday keys are ran in some way shape or form, from scheduled to pickup groups from our discord channel, every season we hold a race with prizes to KSM!
Our Guild’s M+ Raider.io page: https://raider.io/guilds/us/lightbringer/Rumor%20Has%20It/mythic-plus-characters/season-df-2
If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, contact me for more info, i’d love to speak with you one on one, Hit me up at Slerne#1294 (Bnet) or Slerne#9837 (Discord) for more info.

looking atm for a guild it is tough if anyone has room for a lock im 523 can easily push gear higher looking for weekdays

Yo we hit aotc and run a few mythics ,

Lots of keys and gaming,

Fri-Sat 800-1000 pm Est

A52,(wont matter next xpac)
