520, 2.6k IO Lock LF Weekend M+ and casual raiding. [H/A]

LF what the title suggests: Weekend Key pushing and raiding after a fashion for S4, TWW and beyond.

Been playing since Vanilla, been raiding at some capacity since BC. Stopped in Cata, fooled around in Mists; tried raiding again in Legion, but stopped. Came back in SL, then COVID caught me slipping. Now I’m pretty much back.

Started doing M+ just this expansion- and got pretty decent at it with multiple classes. Got AOTC and KSM as a Ret(ired) in S3, now Lock full time for S4 and beyond. Got KSH every season since I started M+ this expansion. Currently 2.5k IO, starting to get them purples on WoL. Entirely as a PuG. All things considered, I think I’m halfway decent at this game.

I play pretty consistently day to day, even with Dawntrail out I pop on and try to knock out a dungeon or two; but my work does make set scheduling difficult to meet, which is why I’m focusing on the M+ side of endgame.

When I’m on, I’m usually on late afternoon till about 10ish; on the Weekends it can be sometimes earlier, sometimes later.

Battlenet: Konfined#1598

If I’m online, I’m available. HMU anytime.

No Accountability was founded 6-23-24 with the intentions on AOTC every season and a heavy emphasis on Mythic+. We will also do some Mythic progression after AOTC.

Raid times 8-11EST FRI/SAT

This is a brand new Guild so please keep that in mind before wanting to join to just leave, its a building process <3
Non elitist.
Rather your brand new to the game or a returning player all are welcomed

What We Offer:

• Serious Mythic Plus: Sharpen your skills with our experienced team.

• Consistent AoTC Clears: We’re driven to succeed together.

• Open to All: All classes and levels welcome. Still looking for one Raid Tank as well.

• Weekend Raiding: Perfect for those who love weekend challenges.

Why Join No Accountability?

• Team-Centric Approach: We believe in teamwork and mutual respect.

• Laid-back Atmosphere: Enjoy the game with chill folks who share your passion.

• We have a very active core group who are on everyday, pushing keys and hanging out in discord.

Looking to fill Officer spots and get at least 10 ppl in before prepatch.
so if you play everyday like me and want ppl to play with and talk to hmu on discord. I would love to talk to you some more.
Discord @ inosuke94

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: After reading your post, I think you might be a great fit to our little family! We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!!